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DreamScape 2.1 review
Added on: Fri Jul 30 2004
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Sea Surface

This is the holy grail of DS in my opinion. The DS Sea has built-in wave action so you can skip the hassle of animating it yourself. It also allows you to choose between two different types of meshes, simple and adaptive.
Simple is basically just a grid, while the adaptive mesh is for doing large bodies of water. With it you can allow the mesh to grow with the FOV of the camera, ensuring you will never see the edges of the plane. There are also three main rollouts that comprise DS Sea: Wave options, Foam, and the Daemons rollout.

The first main rollout is the wave options. This gives you options for waves. Basically it has controls for the speed, height, and size of the waves. The foam rollout is highly dependent upon the settings of the wave options. With it you have the ability to add foam caps to the aforementioned waves, adding a great deal of realism to your body of water.
To add even more realism, you can edit and apply a foam map to your sea surface giving you ultimate control over the look of your water. 

The final main rollout is the ever-important Daemons. There are two Daemons that come with DS: simple waves and Dynamic ones.

The simple waves create waves upon the pre-existing waves already built into the sea surface. This is a wonderful feature for things like stormy seas, or any body of water where you need a more random looking sea action.

The Dynamic Daemon is an incredibly useful feature that allows you to have object interaction with your water allowing you to properly animate objects in the water. One disadvantage to the Dynamic Daemon is the slow simulation times you may encounter if you have a very high detailed mesh and/or large object interaction with the water.

Oops, almost forgot about the DS Sea Material! Now this is what gives your ocean, lake or a pond, that "real" look to it. The absolute coolest thing about it is that it has all the nice fresnel and reflection and refraction effects built in.
Also another feature is that you can add extra maps on top of this. There is a DS bump map and foam map. I'll talk about this more on the next page to show you what it actually looks like.

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