This video shows how to take a morph target and split it in to Left and Right targets that, when blended together, make up the whole target.  This way you can have more control over your facial expressions.  This process requires PasteVertexBuffer plugin, which you can download Here.  It's a sweet plugin that is free for personal use and very very cheap for commercial use.  I also advise getting Transmographier, which is another awesome tool that lets you make morph targets much faster.
  Quicktime Version 2.5 megs (requires quicktime 7 and actually better quality then divx)
  Divx6 Version 6 megs (sorry, I'm not a compression guru, quicktime quality seems to be actually better)
  Btw, if you want nifty viewport controls for your facial setup that is somewhat like Jason Osapa's "Stop Staring" controls, and you're like me ( not script savvy) , try Morph Controls V.22 by Mark Tsang.  It's in his downloads and then scripts page.
  This is a video tutorial showing how to set up a leg with IK, Reverse Foot Setup, and a dummy with a custom attribute for foot roll. (pretty old video and I don't setup my feet this way anymore since it's pretty limiting in controls.  The concept can still apply for a better foot setup, though. I would advise splitting  toe roll in to a separate attribute.  Check out my free LowMax rig's foot setup for a setup that gives better control over the foot)
Foot_Roll.avi  6 megs, uses Techsmith codex.  Get Techsmith here