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15Mins Heading
...For Andy

This gallery represents selected works of 3DLuVr artists that are being displayed every 15 minutes on the front page of 3DLuVr as our small tribute to Andy Warhol who said: "The day will come when everyone will be famous for 15 minutes."

Page: 1   2  

Riplee Floyd
Title: Price (the Cat)
Manuel Pietschmann
Title: Huntship
Staffan Norling
Title: Cruiser
Dave Wilson
Title: Unplugged
Irfan Celik
Title: Old Man
Pascal Blanche
Title: The Empress
Robert Kovacs
Title: Head test
Jose Miguel Esteve
Title: Forgotten
Andr� Richard
Title: Celica GT4
Greg Hess
Title: Tendrils of Doom
Raphael Lacoste
Title: Isle of Romance
Torbjorn Olsson
Title: Can't rain all the time
Elco Vossers
Title: Demon
Allan McKay
Title: Mount Lume
Tyler Hunter
Title: Contraption Chief
Gustaf Nilsson
Title: Flower and Stones

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