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Texturing in DeepPaint - The Basics
An Introduction to texturing basics with Right Hemisphere's DeepPaint, the where, what and how, from UI to brushes to correcting seams.

Lesson 5 - Human Skin
Learn how to create and later on paint the human skin with the palette you have created.
If you have not read previous lessons, you are strongly encouraged to read them before proceeding to this one.

Picturebook: Old Man
Another picturebook style walk through, on painting an old man, this one done by Lars M�rtensson (GRID).

Picturebook: Painting human lips
As an addon to his Lesson 4, Even Michelsen did sort of a picturebook, step by step process of painting female human lips.

Lesson 4 - Colour and Highlights
Lesson four goes into details on adding colour to your paintings and creating highlights. Examples include painting tomatoes and a human eye.
You should be familiar with the Painter and previous lessons, before moving into this lesson.

Lesson 3 - Gradients and Lighting
Lesson three centers on a technique for creating smooth gradients and adding detail. You should be familiar with the Painter and read Lesson 2, before moving into this lesson.

Lesson 2 - Sketching Session
Lesson two moves onto a technique of preparing and creating a digital sketch looking at the digital image. You should familiarize with the Painter or read Lesson 1, before moving into this lesson.

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Painter Classic
First lesson covers introduction to the main tool we will be using throught this series - Painter Classic. It also shows the interface and most commonly used tools and application examples.
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