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On the Bookshelf (0)
The literature that can be useful in the exploration of traditional and digital media. Our look at some titles, chapter excerts, recommendations and more...

From the Real World (8)
A real world projects done by some of the professional artists in the Industry; their approach to problems and how they are solved, in depth.

Digital Painting Series (8)
Embark on the journey of exploration and learning of the digital brush. Series of lessions and articles to help you start and expand your skills.

Featuring of... (38)
Articles featuring winners of 3DLuVr contests, their presentation of the winning pieces and the process of their creation, from an idea to the final render.

MAXed Out (61)
This is for all 3dsmax-ers, the mecca of knowledge, tips and tricks, tutorials and guides for various problems or entertainment.

The Rhino Cage (9)
Beware of the mighty beast! Luckilly we have it caged and everyone can now enjoy the look and feel of what it offers...

Science in Art (0)
Where does science touches art, how and why. General and specific principles of science seen and used in art.

Wavers Unbound (10)
Dedicated to LightWave3D folks out there with tutorials and other relating articles.

Video Tutorials
Next level in your online education - Audio/Video tutorials, processed and streamed to your desktop directly from our server.

Softimagotopia (1)
Catering to all Softimage users, you will find tutorials for Softimage XSI in here

For the Queen (1)
Everything related to the "Queen" Maya and her devoted followers and sympathizers.
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