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TechZone Heading

Trimming the Fat
Greg Hess engages into an aesthetic operation of liposuction of Windows XP fat (optimization) with hope of making it slim (fast).

Troubleshooting FAQ
This FAQ is a combination of an input from various users and Forum posts on troubleshooting a large amount of 3dsmax and computer problems.

Optimizing Nvidia Accelerator Performance
As Greg puts it " was a spur of the moment article", for all of us others it's a valuable source of information on tuning our nvidia cards for 3d applications.

3D on the Laptop Computers
Steffan Haeberle (aka MaxMajestic) gives us a personal view at selecting a laptop computer for graphics and 3d applications, and his experiences with finding one that would do the job.

3D Studio MAX FAQ
A set of questions and answers (FAQ) compiled on the topic of using 3DSMAX with different hardware (the things people kept asking Greg Hess about in the past months - he got tired of answering everyone individually and wrote a FAQ instead).

Setting Up Your New AMD Thunderbird
If you are about to build/buy an AMD Thunderbird or planning to, then definitely read this before you do; if you already have one - still read it; written by Greg Hess.
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