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How to IRC

This document will try to help you get on the IRC EFNet and reach #3dsmax, we believe largest 3DSMAX channel on any IRC network, where most of the users of this site can be found. To start with, you will need an IRC client. We suggest mIRC since it's the easiest and most commonly used one. mIrc can be downloaded from most shareware archives or direct from their website at

Once you have downloaded and installed mIRC it's time to set it up.
Under File/Setup in IRC Servers tab enter your Nickname: and Alternative: (in case the nickname you want to use is already in use by someone else). Check the invisible mode so that you don't get annoying advertising messages. The Fullname and E-mail Address fields are optional (you dont have to disclose your real name or email if you do not want to) so enter anything you prefer there. In the Ident tab check Enable ident server, and enter your User ID (your nickname) and System (PC, Unix). The Listen on port should be left at 113, and if you are behind a firewall this port along with port 6667 should be open in order to access the IRC.

Go back to IRC Servers tab and in the rolldown menu scroll down to EFnet and select the server close to you. Then click Connect to IRC server! button and in a moment you should be prompted with the MOTD (Message Of The Day) from that server. If you get an error message about not being allowed to connect, try another server in the list.
Here are some servers you can try to connect instead of ones in the list:
You can either ADD this servers to the list or simply type /server (server-name) in the STATUS window of your mIRC client; ie: /server

Once you are connected to the server type: /join #3dsmax, and another window will open that will contain 2 frames and in the header something like this: #3dsmax [+ptn]: No Warez| blah blah....

Larger frame contains all the conversation that goes on in the channel, while listbox frame shows all the nicknames of the users currently in the channel.
From then on, whatever you type in the editbox frame (at the bottom of the current window) will go into the channel. If you have any questions about IRC, feel free to ask them and someone will surely help you out.

We hope you have good time on the IRC, and see you there !

Last Modifed: July 10th, 2002

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