Benchmark Results: 3D Studio Max These results accompany article about 3D Studio MAX Benchmark Standardization, and reflect the real world results collected from tests performed on various platforms (both AMD and Intel). Data gathered and compiled by Greg Hess.
Redefining Speed (A look at In-House render tests) This is an introduction article to a methods and tests being used for 3DLuVr In-House benchmarking that will be used in the upcoming Dual vs. Single CPU, Athlon vs. Northwood and other articles covering various hardware platforms. Yes, it's Greg Hess will be looming over those machines all over again, trying to squeeze every possible milisecond out of a CPU to get a faster render. |
The Creation of a Benchmark Greg Hess wrote this article with intention of helping everyone who had questions as to how and why are benchmarks done in a certain way. This is a manadatory read before reading any hardware review of graphics cards on the 3DLuVr. It explains the terminology and reasoning behind benchmarking of those cards...
3D Studio MAX Benchmark Standardization Attempt to standardize system benchmarks by using a real-world application itself to test the system. Greg Hess explores the viablity of using 3D Studio MAX for this task. |