After not being able to find your answer in the manuals or look it up in numerous books that exist, you've made a daring decision to get on the Net,
log onto EFNet IRC #3dsmax, and ask your question there...and they told you to come here.
Prepare to get MAXed Out !
Advanced IK Setups
Afterburn: Advanced Explosions
Afterburn: An Introduction
Afterburn: Explosions
Afterburn: Quick Clouds
An Industry Lesson
Animated Water/Sea
Automated Tank Tracks in 3ds max 6 If you've ever wondered how to setup animated tank tracks for your project, Jason Slabber is will teach you his method, by using splineIK and wire parameters in 3ds max. |
Box Modeling the Basic Shape of a Car
CEL Shader: Chapter 1
CEL Shader: Chapter 2
Compositing: Advanced compositing at a smaller scale
Compositing: Behind the scenes on Moa
Compositing: Camera Matching
Compositing: Giving Depth to Stock Footage
Compositing: Pyrotechnics
Creating a Bonsai Tree
Creating a Realistic Animated Cable/Rope/Flex
Creating a simple previewer with MXS
Creating a Toon Shader
Creating an Asteroid
Creating Animated Grass
Creating Fire in 3DSMAX
Creating Realistic Water with Wakes
Designing a Faucet
Faking SSS with Mental Ray
Faking Window-Shaped Highlights
finalRender 101: Basic HDRI and Ray Tracing
finalRender 101: Simple Environment and Object Based GI
Guide to Making a Polygonal Head with NURMS
Introducution to Polygonal Modeling
Lighting, Texturing, Rendering in 3DSMAX: Part 1
Lighting, Texturing, Rendering in 3DSMAX: Part 2
Link Object to a Vertex
Low Poly Modeling for Real Time
Making objects splat
Making of Audi TT
Making of BMW Z3
Making of D'ni Firemarble Holder
Modelling a head poly by poly Tommi Kaikkonen guides you through a process of modeling a head poly by poly that should apply to almost all 3D applications; starting with a reference photo, modeling spline guides and ending up with a whole poly mesh. |
Multiple Texture Mappings
Muscle Bulging Using Muscle Bones in 3ds max If you're looking for a way to make muscles bulge for your characters, then this article might help. It involves creating "muscle bones", which are basically 3ds max native bones that squash and stretch.
Ornatrix - A Crash Course An introduction to Ornatrix, latest hair and fur system for 3ds max developed by Marsel Khadiyev of Ephere Productions. |
Preparing an Exotic, Non-Alcoholic Cocktail A "recipe" for a cocktail pouring animation into a glass; adding ice, a lemon and a nice little umbrella.
Following the realistic approach some physics-accurate tools are needed, such as Reactor for rigid body collisions, Real Flow for liquid dynamics, and Mental Ray for rendering. |
Procedural Shaders: Magma/Lava Effect
Procedural Shaders: Update on Lava
Reaktor: Intro to basic rigid body dynamics
RealFlow: Simple "Pouring" Exercise
Realistic head with NURMS
Simulating DOF in 3DSMAX Renders Using Photoshop
Solid Bevel This little quick tutorial will demonstrate a very simple and basic technique to bevel 3D objects aka create solid-bevels. |
Spline + Subdivision Head Modeling
Texture based particle emission
The Claw (Expressions)
Volumetrics: Combustion
"It's all in the Eyes" - creating realistic eyes
"Smokin 1" - Basic 3dsmax Particles
"Smokin 2" - Intermediate 3dsmax Particles
"Smokin 3" - Advanced 3dsmax Particles