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3D on the Laptop Computers
Added on: Tue Jun 04 2002
Page: 1 2 3 

Some other laptops (cont.)

Unfortunately, all laptops have to be sent off for repair as the economics of laptop making have necessitated the fact that components are too costly to keep around and must be ordered straight from the manufacturer. Thus, fixing anything wrong with your laptop can become a pain.

The TFT screen on the laptop I bought and returned costs $2400 to replace. Buy at least a year's warranty from the place you bought it. Most places will charge you money just to look at and diagnose a laptop even if it is under warranty.

Battery life

As laptops get more powerful, their batteries become less efficient. Unfortunately, battery life/power has not increased in performance/power like CPUs and other aspects of laptops. You will be lucky to get anymore than an hour and a half out of a laptop used for Max. Maybe this will change, but for now it is an unpleasant side effect I can deal with. You can always buy another battery for around $100. Too bad most park benches dont have outlets nearby. :)

I hope some people find this lengthy report to be helpful. I had to do an unbelievable amount of searching the net to find the info I have provided. Today�s laptops are being boasted as �Desktop Replacements� and for good reason. Although I doubt laptops will become as powerful as desktops in the near future, the good laptops out now are great for Max.

For the value-minded Max user, I recommend buying the Dell Inspiron 8200. You can configure it to a p4 1.6 with 256mg of ddr ram, a 20gig hard drive a 15inch SXGA screen and a 32mg GeForce440 card. All of this for $1500.

For the performance-minded Max user, I recommend the Toshiba Satellite 5105-s607. It retails at $2,399, but has a remarkable UXGA display, a sturdy great looking case, a killer sound system with a subwoofer, a 32meg GeForce4, 40gig 5200rpm HD, 512mg ddr ram and a 1.7gig p4. It has other perks that further justify its hefty price tag like wireless capability and MediaStick capabilities along with a combo DVD/CDRW drive and that all powerful Floppy Drive.

Good luck laptop hunting.
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