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Texture based particle emission
Added on: Mon Dec 16 2002
Page: 1 

Making sure the UV mapping channel is the same as your UV gizmo, you should now have a selection of vertices around your object in the exact position of your bitmap.

If you're getting the idea of what I'm going to do next, then.. well.. good. We now want to create a parray particel system, so go to the create panel and click on the particle systems menu from the drop down list. Drag out a parray system into the viewport and then choose the emitter object to be the object you set your selection up on.

Now a few things; adjust your percentage of particles amount from the default (10 percent) to 100 percent. This will show all of the particles in the viewport oposed to just 10 percent of them. Now click on the "at all vertices" checkbox under "particle formation" and then "use selected sub objects" so it will only emit particles from the area we chose with the bitmap in the vol select modifier.

You should now at least get a basic idea of where this is heading. Adjust the speed to 0 for the time being so they don't fly allover the place, and tell the particles emit rate to be 100 instead of 10 so we get a more defined image on the object.
From here you can do whatever you want, you can tell the particles to emit for only 1 frame and the animate a wind blowing the image shaped particles off into the sky, or you could animate the emission rate, and the ball so it leaves the shape wherever it goes. Essentially this is just a quick tip to show you ways to go about using this method, which later you can use and apply to your toolset of particle tricks.

Useful things you can use this for, are anything from animating a bunch of footsteps and rendering their alpha out, so that you can have steam or even just particle based footsteps, to spraying an intricate detailed paint on the wall, or whatever you really want (keep in mind that you can use animated bitmaps such as AVI's and other movies, as well as the fact you can animate the UV gizmo around to make the shapes move, and you can apply procedural shaders too!). There are much more powerful techniques and effects you can achieve now using this method, but I'll leave it up to you to explore them.

You can download my version of the scene here:, with a few minor adjustments I've made just for my own personal taste.

You can download a quick animation I made here: texture_emission.avi
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