Poser Mixer Setup Added on: Sat Jan 18 2003 |
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Right click on each, one at a time and choose add weight curve. Close Motion Mixer. Try dragging the timeline, your object will assume an average of all the poses. Thats because right now all the poses are set to 1. Add the slider plugin to your object or use the technique in my slider tutorial to set up an auto hiding slider. Open the slider panel.

Add the 4 weight curves to the slider set. They are nested underneath the actor in the motion mixer section, leave the ranges and the label at the default.

Done. You have a pose mixer to mix and blend poses. One thing thats kind of a bummer is that its non interactive, which means you need to jitter the timeline to update the window. But thats not too bad if you use the left and right arrowkeys to frame forward then quickly frame back.
Well, there you go, a fully functional pose mixer in LW 7.5 |