Radiosity with Lightwave 6 Added on: Sat Jan 18 2003 |
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Assign different surfaces to the box , halfsphere , and your main object.
I used those parameters for the sphere and box :
luminosity: 80
diffuse: 0
specularity: 0
glossiness: 0
luminosity: 0
diffuse: 100
specularity: 20
glossiness: 10
The Layout part
Load the objects.

Now go to the global illumination panel , disable the lensflares, and move the ambient intensity slider to zero. Enable the radiosity here you can manage the quality of your radiosity renders. Lower tolerances and minimum evaluation spacing parameters gives better results but at the same time makes you pray the god for a faster cpu.
I set the tolerance to 0 , and to speed it up Rays per evaluation to 6*18. Optimzie the antialiasing parameter as you wish ,but keep in mind that even without them the operation is really slow., scene is ready for the render.

In my scene i used an arealight to give specularity to object and to achive dark raytraced shadows.
The area light parameters are : intensity :15 both diffusion and specularity enabled, dont forget to enable raytraced shadows , and to gain some speed set the arealight quality to 3.