"Ice Sculpture" Added on: Wed Dec 23 1998 |
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- Method (cont.)
To speed things up you can go into edge mode and chose an edge and extrude it making another quad polygon.
Then I move them into place. Keep building your object. You should plan out your mesh on paper. It's like surface tools in a way, but you dont have creasing. This takes a lot of practice.
When you're done you just put meshmooth on it. The best part is you animate the low polygon version by only applying meshsmooth at render time. You can map it after meshsmooth in the stack and then to keep it from sliding you can add a uvw unwrap modifyer to it. If you dont know what all this means don't worry about it you'll get there.
Wow that probably was confusing I meant it more of an overview then a tutorial, so maybe in the future, time permitting, I will do a step by step.
Something totally over looked and I�m sure you've heard it a million times, lighting and materials make the scene.
In my image I simulated Radiosity with numerous lights. Notice how the corners are darker then the walls and it's darker near the top because the light is coming down and bouncing up.
Well my hands are tired of typing hope that helped a little.
Thanks for voting for me and we should all thank amigo for www.3dluvr.com
The final image in shaded and fully rendered is shown below.