"Nanotechnology" Added on: Sat Feb 13 1999 |
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What I wanted to do was double meaning and looking image. Double meaning is quite simple, Nanotechnology can be useful for humans...but what if it would start to live its own life :)
Doble looking is about that litle fellow on the right bottom of image looks kinda like plugin with a cable, something like an umbillical cord. All the mess about Viagra was another inspiration for me to do this image.

Ok, so here is how I did it.
Actualy it was really, really easy to create, I used exactly 6 spheres and 1 Cone :).
First I made a big sphere with "red meat" as a texture and I made it with 30% self iluminated material.
I cloned it, and then I apllied Scatter (900 instances) on the surface area. I used Transfomation in scaling XYZ at 40%. Also I applied proxy to display view to speed up composition.
For texture I used Diffuse at 70 % Falloff, and it hit right on the spot, because it looked like microscope photography (white edges and borders), while my specular colour was set to 100% red.

For head of the cyber spermatosoid, I deformed a sphere and applied Greeble modifier. The whip ("cable") i used a bump map.
I set brown texture for environment, and I blurred it. Because it all looked too clear for me, I made another sphere around the whole scene, I drew a few scratches in Photoshop and then set multiply mirrored in texture properties and applied reversed image as an opacity map.
That's all to it, quite simple ist'n it ?
The final image in wireframe and fully rendered is shown below.
