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"Ars Antarctica"
Added on: Wed Apr 07 1999
Page: 1 

Standard raytraced material for the water, with noise as a bump and a gradient in the reflection and the opacity map slots. That way it gets less reflective and more transparent closer to the camera.

I added ice around the foreground rock and bits here and there in the water. The model is very simple, with most of the detail in the texture. I used a radial gradient (Picture.4), with a darker more transparent material along the edge, and a whitish less transparent material at the middle and a variation of procedural noise maps for diffuse, shininess, opacity and bump.

About the background, I started with a flat sheet of ice and was going to model a mountain, but I got lots of input from #3dsmax on this and I ended up with the icebergs in the background.
Icebergs are modelled more or less the way I did the rock, start with a box and move vertices to shape it the way I want. The icebergs and the fogging gave the scene a bit more sense of depth.
The texture for the iceberg is a bit like the one for the rock, at least in structure, a blend texture with a dry ice/snow material and a darker more shiny material at the bottom.

Lighting in the scene is quite simple, a bright beige sunlight from the left and above,
a slightly desaturated blue fill light from the left and a couple of omnis to highlight the penguins a bit. I also added a blueish "bouncelight" from the sea which illuminates the shadowside of the icebergs.

The sky at the back is a gradient with a little noise. The bottom part of the sky matches the colour of the fog, that way the sea and the sky blends into eachother.

That's about it.

The final image in wireframe and fully rendered is shown below.

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