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Added on: Sat Sep 25 1999
Page: 2 

As soon as the topic was announced, I had this inspiration hit like a ton of bricks. It didn't take much thought to get started, the idea was simple. After completed, it still seems rather simplistic, the work has mostly been the mapping and tweaking.

First, I shaped the mask over a head model I had been working on earlier. I fit a spline cage around the facial features to fit snugly against the forehead and around the eyes. The shape of the mask was impromptu, but straightforward.
After the mask, a shape of a feather was extruded, mapped, and fitted onto the feathered
areas, copied and scaled, rotated, and whatever else was necessary to get uneven rows of them to fit together.

A cone was scattered around a sphere and copied a bunch of times around the edges of the feathers to get a nice fuzzy effect, the fuzz at the base of a feather. I used Peter Watje's hair plugin to add some high density hair under the max and around, partially to help hide the shoulders and the neck.
I decided some more feathers would help add to the fullness of the mask, so I added another 'fan' of feathers around each side of the hair splines.

Now that the shapes were put together, the longest job was ahead, the long process of tweaking the materials.

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