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Added on: Wed Oct 27 1999
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I've always wanted to make a 3D Mickey, and I wanted to make him bad !!! A punisher Mickey, so I found this amusing idea for this contest...
Before returning back in "Fantasia 2000" in January, the "Sorcerer's Apprentice" is making this small special appearance just for you...

The Scene was modeled and rendered on Max 2.5, and then modified on Photoshop to make it look better. I'll try here to describe the whole process.


The set

The set was build in a few hours, in a very simple way. I didn't want to spend too much time and energy on it as I wanted to focus my attention on the character.

Only the visible wall was modeled for the picture, I drew with splines the shape of the wall and the windows, then I made an extrusion and it was almost already finished. I made in the same way the rocks that appear on the wall, and with boxes I created the wires inside the windows. The columns are tubes enlarged in the bottom with larger tubes on each of them to give a minimum of details.

The floor is a big simple patch, but with two tessellate and a displace enabled only at rendering time (you can't see it on this picture)... The displace is made with it's own texture bitmap mixed with a noise bitmap...
Why a displace on the floor ?? To prevent from having straight and regular shadows... I also put the characters a little higher because with the displacement, the floor will grow up a little... I had finally a door in the background to provide another source of light. There is finally a little stair on the left made with ChamferBoxes.

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