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"Dream House"
Added on: Mon Jun 26 2000
Page: 1 2 

Lighting the Behemoth (cont.)

The actual house lights took much more work. Each of the outdoor lamps required three lights to simulate a true omni: one to actually illuminate the area, and two to cover the highlights off of the surrounding wood

(Notice the attenuation and the strong yellow tint of the light.)


Little things like refining the water ripples, tweaking glows and determining the best camera angle were needed before it could be called complete. I actually made a few separate test shots and asked people�s opinions before settling on the one seen in the contest. The last few things are what made it feel "right" to me.

(One of the sample shots I was considering)

Sleeping and your other life...

This is something I lacked for the most part the last week of the contest. I ended up getting a summer job making low poly models but when I wasn�t at work, I was busy finishing with this house! One of the toughest parts of creation is actually balancing your life during the whole process. Remember that there is more to life than just your computer and that your friends, family and relationship with God are an important part in helping you succeed.

The final image is shown below as a wireframe and full rendered.

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