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TechZone Heading
Setting Up Your New AMD Thunderbird
Added on: Thu Apr 05 2001
Page: 1 2 3 

Stage 8: Installing Win2k (cont.)

Other drivers you will need:

Latest Via 4 in 1 Drivers at
Win2k SP1 + Patches/Hot fixes at
AGP Hot Fix at

Newer drivers for SCSI/IDE cards/embedded Raid

Check your motherboard bios. Make sure its up to date.

Check your IDE/SCSI card bios. Make sure its up to date.

The stages usually go like this.

Do the normal format/fdisk routine. Upon booting off the win2k cd, force the driver loading with F6 if you have IDE or special SCSI controller card needs. Finish the install, download sp1 + hot fixes. Install via 4 in 1 drivers. Install hot fix.
Install Nvidia drivers, install refresh fix. Install max or Maya, fool around and make sure it doesn�t crash. Then install everything else.

Stage 9: Celebration and Festivities

Demonstrate your new system to friends, mac users, and spouses. Wow them with your fast render times and incredibly stable system.

What? It's crashing? Better go to Stage 42: Troubleshooting.


Stage 42: Troubleshooting - Use a Big Gun.
Random Lockups

Check your CPU heat. Is that heatsink on good? Try lowering/raising your CPU voltage by .1.

Did you install all the win2k files/patches? When is windows crashing?

Are you running win98? If so that�s your problem.

Did you update your IDE/SCSI drivers? Did you read the manual?

Is Win2k reporting a STOP error? If so is that error on Microsoft�s knowledge base?

Also try...Plugging in the machine into the power outlet.

I hope this article was of some assistance to the hardware user community. If it hasn�t been any assistance, I apologize for wasting your time and your ISP�s money. Please feel free to email any questions or comments to [email protected], AFTER you have read the whole article.
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