Picturebook: Old Man Added on: Sat Feb 17 2001 |
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Added a little highlight on the face with "photo/dodge" and smeared it with "palette knife/fine dry brush" with 15% opacity and size 4, and added more bright details to the beard with "brush/big fine wash" with different opacity and size 1.6.
Starting to work on the eye´s and adding highlight at the right position (same place on both eye´s) and make it sharp for a wet look.
Now just add some details (where it´s needed), mostly with different kinds of the "brush tool" and smearing it with "palette knife", and this can go on as long as you wish, or are pleased with the result :)
And when you´re finished and should resize it you can do it 2 ways. One is just to do a resize in painter, or you can zoom out to the size you want and make a "print scrn" and paste it into photoshop or some other program, that way you don´t get the "antialising" the program makes when resizing.

Finished painting