Creating a simple previewer with MXS Added on: Sun Jul 23 2000 |
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Defining a Utility or Floater
When making a MaxScript you have an option to make a script with an interface or just a script that will automate a sequence of events. In this tutorial I will be showing you how to design an interface script that will allow you to preview your scenes quickly. Previewers are good for doing motion checks, checking lighting, or whatever you may want to use it for.
Step 1 - Opening the Interface
The first thing we are going to do is go execute the MaxScript button in the Utilities panel. After you have gotten the MaxScript interface rollout open, you click on the button that says, "New Script." This will bring up a type of notepad interface.
This is where you will start typing in all the code for the script.

Step 2 - Code "Starting the Script"
The first thing you will notice when we start typing the code is that it is not code at all. It is just English calling certain commands that 3dsmax can already do. So the first thing we are going to type in is the call to make the Floater. So here is the code!
cool = newRolloutFloater "Created By Me" 228 265
Rollout params "MaxScript 101 By Kevin Occhiuto"
To start to explain the code, the first line calls out what you are wanting for a script,
in this case we are asking for a floater by saying, "Cool = newRolloutFloater."
Next we are telling what we want for text to show up on the top, "Created By Me" ,
and lastly we are telling 3dsmax how big we want the floater to be, "228 265." The first number is the width and the second is the height.
Now for the second line of code, this is telling 3dsmax that we want a rollout of some sort to put everything in, "rollout params "My Little Previewer." The rest in the line should be self explanatory.