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Link Object to a Vertex
Added on: Mon Aug 14 2000
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Save it and hit Ctrl + E and try it out. You finished Script should look like
If you are having troubles make sure you have one vertex selected when you hit "get vert" button.
I also included in the zip file from the beginning of the article.
This is the same script just with extra stuff added to show you what groups do what.


Used Functions list:
These are all built in functions that I used.

NewRolloutFloater "Name of Floater" width height | Creates a floater
Rollout Name_of_Rollout "Title of Rollout" ( ........... ) | Creates a rollout
addRollout Name_of_Rollout Name_of_floater | adds a rollout to a floater
group Group_Name "title of group" | makes a group with that title
label Label_Name "text" | Puts text onto the rollout
if This do That | tests something and if it works do that
getvertselection object | gets the vertex number of the currently selected object/vertex as an array
getvert object vertex_number | returns the position of that vertex number of that object (x,y,z)

Further Reading and Explanations:

Although the MAXScript help file is very resourceful it is lackinging in useful examples.
So to see why I did certain things search for the following things and read up.

For information on the proper placement and structure of you script:
For example, why I defined the utility rollout first, then the buttons, then the "on this do that" section read this in the MAXScript Reference:
Working with MAX > Utility Rollouts > Visibility of Locals, Functions, Structs and UI Items in Rollout Code

For information about controllers and access to them:
Working with MAX > Controllers and Keys > Controller Creation and Assignment.

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