"Smokin 2" - Intermediate 3dsmax Particles Added on: Wed Oct 11 2000 |
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Material Editor
Click on any material and then click on standard and choose a new material
to start off with. Change the values..
Change the shader from Phong to OrenNayer-Blinn.

adjust the ambient to 0 in RGB and
diffuse to 128 in RGB and
specular to 159 in RGB.
Specular level to 0 and shinyness to 0,
and disable colour in illumination
and give it a value of 0.
adjust soften to 1.0.
adjust the diffuse level to 135 and
roughness to 65.
Under extended parametres, adjust the filter colour to 94 and move down to maps.
Go down to opacity and click on the empty slot and choose mask from the pop up menu. Click on mask and choose gradient.
In the gradient menu change the gradient type to radial,change colour
#2 to 131 and colour #3 to 112 and make sure colour #1 is 100% black.
Colour position stays at .5
Adjust noise amount to .3,
and the size to 2.1
Go back one level to map, and click on the empty slot and then scroll down to noise.
Adjust the settings so that the fractal pattern is 'fractal' rather than regular, and the high and low values are .521 and 0.39, give the levels 3, and the size to 31.5.
Click on the white textures' empty slot and click on noise again to create a sub noise material. Give this noise a size of 31.2 high and low values of .501 and 0, levels of 2. and make it fractal beforehand of course.
click on the black colour slot and choose noise again, give it the following values:
noise type: fractal
size: 21.7
high: .58
low: .38
levels: 1.4
colours: 1: 100% black 2: 138 grey