"Smokin 3" - Advanced 3dsmax Particles Added on: Sat Dec 09 2000 |
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Advanced particle systems, Paaray, Pcloud and Super Spray
Essentially I use paaray a lot more for fragments and more mesh related things rather than smoke effects, primarily because up until recently I couldn't get facing particles to work at all in parray or super spray nor pcloud, it would map them incorreclty, as if the mapping was too big for the particle or something.
But it wasn't until recently when I was trying to explain this problem to a student that it suddenly dawned on me to try instancing a flat 2D plane as a particles object and see if that worked.
This can sometimes make life a whole lot simpler using this technique rather than spray, although spray does kick some serious but just like video post in max (it's simple, straight forward and gets the job done).
Some of the advantages of using paaray over spray are:
-insert them-
You can start and stop particle emition at will
You can rotate particles, rather than always being restricted to facing
the screen.
You have more control via options with variations on pretty much everything Inter particle collisions.
Create a Plane and give it 1x1 segments.
Create a box (we'll use this as an emitter)
Create a parray particle system
First of make the emitter the box by selecting 'pick object' up the very top.
Scroll down to particle types and choose instanced geometry as the emitting type and under instancing parameters click on pick object and choose the plane as the emitting type so it will emit 2d planes (exactly like facing particles really).
Scroll back up the top and change the speed to about 5 and the variation to 50
Tell it to begin emitting at frame 0 and stop at frame 10
Change the life and display until to 100
And give that a variation of 25
Under viewpoint display change that to mesh type.
Under particle size make it 1.0 and variation of 25
Keep grow and fade for at 10, this is so when they emit out they grow out to normal size rather than jut apearing, and it's over 10 frames, very handy sometimes so things don't just apear, they scale out in size.
If you want you can adjust the spin speed controls under rotation and collisions so the particles rotate but probably not a good idea for facing particles this time around, and enable interparticle collision if you want, might slow down a bit having to calculate all the particles dynamic collisions.
Go to the material editor and load up the previous made smoke texture to the plane and assign it. Now here is an essential thing to do, under material mapping and source click 'get material from' button to get the material from the source plane.
* You might need to assign uvw mapping to the plane before you render.
I 'was' going to go into a lot of detail here, but I think I've covered what needs to be known about paaray, super spray and pcloud are the same deal.