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Compositing: Pyrotechnics
Added on: Sun Nov 26 2000
Page: 2 3 4 5 

This tutorial uses the bare bones of Max and Photoshop 5, I made sure that this tutorial uses no advanced plugins or external programs outside of these two applications so you can see and mimic what I do in this tutorial without needing to get $1,000 of plugins and software to pull off the effect.

Here�s what we are going to do. Below you shall see the plate we are working with. It is of a pretty big and messy town in Luxembourg. What we are going to do is blow up one of the houses in the plate. To the right of the plate is the exact image with the house circled so you can see which house I am talking about.

First off load up 3dsmax, (you need at least version 2.0 of max to do this tutorial by the way). Now first of all go to the material editor and select one of the materials in the editor, rename it to "Original plate" next set the shiny and strength values to 0 and the self illumination value to 100.

Go to the diffuse slot and select bitmap. Load the plate in as a bitmap. Next up tell it to have "environment screen mapping" so it is fitted to the screen not uvw mapping coordinates.

After that go to the environment panel and select the background slot and click �material editor� in the window that comes up, next select the plate from the list that comes up. Out of all of that you have A: created a screen mapped material of the plate, and set it as the background incase you�re lost on what you have just done.

Next select the perspective view and then go to the view menu and choose �viewpoint background� and then click use environment background then click "display image" and make sure it is in the perspective view and click okay. Now you should have the plate loaded into your perspective viewpoint, this well help you match up the camera to the plate�s camera, which is what you�re going to do next.

Camera matching sucks, it�s a real hassle to do when you�re working on complicated scenes, and without camera tracking abilities animating the camera to match actual film is very very time consuming and frustrating. But luckily we are working with a static
plate and the scene is rather simple. This should be a good learning experience still in camera matching, it will also teach you how to cheat and cut corners since in a lot of situations you can do that without there being any major consequences.

First of all model the house we are going to blow up. This is a rather simple task, create a box, and stretch it so it is longer in length than in height or width. Next go to the modify panel and apply the edit mesh modifier to it and select the top polygon and extrude it upward. Scale the polygon inward so it�s width is thinner. This should roughly match the geometry of the house we are planning on destroying.

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