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Compositing: Behind the scenes on Moa
Added on: Tue Feb 06 2001
Page: 1 

So here I used a blend material with screen mapping as one shader and a rock texture as the other and the head mask as the mask.
Now I did a quick animation of the ball going down the slope crashing into the statue. Easy.

Next up I wanted the statue to react to being hit. I considered using bomb but I wanted the debris to bounce off of the ground not go right through it. So I decided to use particles since then I can use the deflector spacewarp.
Using particle array I set up the basic parametres such as 0 speed, object fragments and thickness of 6, minimum chunks of 20, amongst other settings preparing it to act like a rock and then destroy like one.

From here is create a spherical wind spacewarp and positioned it exactly over the ball that is to be rolling down the hill. I gave it a larger radius than the ball so that it effects things on a larger scale to show it is going at a fast pace and is quite strong and heavy. I then linked it to the ball so it follows along with it, I gave it a decay parameter of .02 and a strength of 3 and left the rest alone.

Then I created a standard gravity spacewarp and animated the strength so that just before the ball collides with the statue it's on 0 strength then the next frame it animates to 1.0. I applied all of the spacewarps to the particle system and tweaked the animation a little. I created a defelector spacewarp and gave it a bounce strength of .4

That's just about it, took me about 45 minutes to make. Finished animation is here

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