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CEL Shader: Chapter 1
Added on: Sun Nov 26 2000
Page: 1 3 

Click on the falloff type and choose towards/away. This means it falls off the object based on distance ect. from the camera.

Scroll down to the bottom and under mix curve insert two points in the right middle, shift these points to the left a bit and move one point directly up and the other directly down, so that they form a straight vertical line, and move these poinlooking like something below.

You can also move the two middle parts slightly apart so the ink lines have a slight variation in colour, and make it more smooth rather than sharp ink lines, but too much gives away the illusion of 2D so be careful how much you move these points apart.

Next we need to set the floor to be a material, all we really need the floor for is to carry the shadow, so create a new material and make it a matte/shadow material and adjust the shadow brightness to .6 so the shadow's mostly washed out.

Assign the matte/shadow to the ground plane, and the cel material to the object. Now what's left is to go to the enviroment panel and change the background colour to be grey 255 (basically bright white like the material).

Now if you want you can go to the effects panel and apply blur with a value of 2 to soften up the scene a bit, this washes it out a bit and makes it more soft but isn't necessary.

Another thing to consider is in older cartoons, they blink and act a bit eratic, the ink isn't always as bold and they aren't as fine and accurate as the present cartooons. We can imitate this in max quite easily.

Go to the effects panel and apply brightness and contrast to the scene, adjust the brightness to 1.0 and the contrast to 0. Go to the track view and open the render effects panel and then expand brightness and contrast and click on contrast. Click on the assign controller icon and choose noise float, right click on the contrast time bar (shown below) which should pop up the settings for the noise controller.

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