Procedural Shaders: Magma/Lava Effect Added on: Mon Nov 27 2000 |
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Go right up to the top and then go to the mask area, make it a gradient, make it radial and animate over time colour 2 position from 0 to 1. Make colour 1 and 2 100% black and colour #3 white. Make the noise type fractal and the size to 1.8 and the amount to .2.
Now your map layout should look similiar to below, but where in some cases it says fury map, I've told you to use black noise, essentially it does the same thing.

Now select your sphere/object and go to the modify panel and make sure it has simple mapping, and then apply displace to it. Now we are going to set up a displacement map for the object so the geometry is eaten away over time.
Essentially select the object, apply spherical uvw mapping to it, and then apply a displacement map to it, go down to map and click on the empty slot and choose the mask that we made at the very top of the material stack.
And then make it sphereical and tick use exsisting mapping. It would be an idea to animate the strength to happen over time otherwise it'll tear the sphere apart instantly, so animate it over the course of time from 0 to 100.

That's pretyy much it, to see the video of it click HERE (4.13Mb).