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finalRender 101: Simple Environment and Object Based GI
Added on: Mon Nov 26 2001
Page: 2 3 

This is the first in a series of Final Render tutorials that will cover the basics of global illumination, HDRI, ray tracing, lights, caustics and sub-surface scattering. In this first, two-part lesson we'll go over the essentials of global illumination using two methods of light generation. Part 1 will address environmentally produced GI.

Part 2 will examine HDRI basics and self-illuminated objects. If you have any suggestions or comments, please send me an email.

Start by creating a box and flipping the normals. To prevent color bleeding in the corners you might instead assemble your room with six overlapping planes or boxes.

Place two spheres in one corner and aim a target camera at them. To allow light into the room we need to boolean out a window in the wall behind the camera, or simply remove the wall or ceiling. In the example scene I used a box and removed the top poly.

Place an omni anywhere in the scene and turn it off. This is to inactivate Max's default lighting.

Right click every scene object and select "Properties." Under the Mental Ray Rendering Control check the relevant options. In this case we want each object to receieve and generate global illumination. It's a good idea to do this immediately
after placing an object in the scene.

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