Approaching Sub-Zero-the Coolermaster ATC-110 Case Added on: Wed Oct 31 2001 |
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The Ugly
�Huh? I thought you already covered this section.� Well I did and I didn�t. I covered the lesser aspects of what I felt were the case�s downfalls, and here is where I cover the major bone crunching destroyers of customer satisfaction.
The case costs over $300 USD. Yes that�s right, you can buy grandma a nice computer for the price of this case. Suddenly those little problems I mentioned the previous section seem a lot larger. When the price goes up so does the customer�s expectation.
The case is missing one 5.25 bay drive cover. Though this might not seem like much due to most individuals mounting at least one Cdrom, the price of the case does not warrant a missing drive bay.
It's ridiculous to spend this amount of money and have the company just remove one bay door for you. Many individuals would use the extra 5.25 door to make custom drive bay covers, or maybe a nice fan bus kit. I feel the company is shortchanging the customers by leaving out this bay door.
The unit�s price does not include a power supply. Though most power users will usually purchase a nice name brand power supply instead of a retailers bundled one, it would have been nice to have at least had something in the case to work with. That or at least some sort of price reduction.
The Coolermaster ATC-110 is a well designed, thermally efficient, aluminum case. It's aesthetics� are nothing short of jaw dropping, and its quiet airflow allows for excellent system cooling.

It's price however puts it out of reach of many consumers. An individual can buy six to seven decent mid towers for the price of this beast. (And that�s including 300 watt power supplies). The price puts it more into the realm of a server driven cases, but without many of the features presented by those expensive boxes (Multiple motherboards, a variety of redundant power supplies, redundant UPS�s).
I hope that Coolermaster decides to lower the price of these cases in the future, dropping their purchase price into the realm of consumer products. I wouldn�t hesitate overlooking some of its minor faults if it was about one hundred dollars cheaper, but right now, it is more a piece of artwork then a computer case, standing alone in its own price/features category.