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Prepared by Greg Hess

This page is dedicated to representing system performance in 3d Studio Max. The benchmark consists of three scenes, at three seperate resolutions. They are NTSC (720x486), Web (1024x768) and Film (2048x1536). The times are in seconds, with a final render time shown at the end.
For instructions on replicating these benchmarks, how these benchmarks were performed, what 3dsmax is, and more information, read the following article. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Page: 1  2  3  4  5   

*= Max5 SSE ON, or Max4.26    HT = Hyperthreading Enabled
CPU Info Memory
Total time Source
Single 850 Duron 256 Mb @ 133 MHz 21/38/180 89/230/1204 72/116/360 2310 Mr X
Dual 500 Pentium III 384 Mb @ 100 MHz 28/46/147 100/235/1157 113/160/400 2386 Mr X
Dual 500 Pentium III 256 Mb @ 100 MHz 29/47/150 104/247/1276 118/166/427 2564 B0BB
Dual 533 Celeron 256 Mb @ 66 MHz 27/46/144 107/257/1349 113/164/466 2673 Greg H.
Dual 450 Celeron 256 Mb @ 100 MHz 31/51/154 111/261/1342 124/174/459 2707 Greg H.
Single 700E Coppermine 256 Mb @ 100 MHz 30/52/172 121/281/1352 100/153/527 2788 Mr X
Dual 450 Pentium III 512 Mb @ 100 MHz 32/52/162 115/274/1391 132/184/454 2796 Mr X
Single 650 Athlon K7 128 Mb @ 133 MHz 32/52/173 111/267/1400 108/172/665 2980 Mr X
Single 600 Pentium III 128 Mb @ 100 MHz 36/63/208 146/337/1735 118/185/704 3532 Piren
Single 488 Celeron 160 Mb @ 100 MHz 52/91/333 217/502/2453 172/270/940 5030 ShockWave
Dual 233 Pentium Pro 192 Mb @ 66 MHz 60/101/311 217/512/2608 240/338/918 5305 Flyby
Single 400 Pentium II 128 Mb @ 100 MHz 65/104/356 268/558/3010 216/321/1310 6208 Piren
Single 400 AMD K6-2 128 Mb @ 100 MHz 88/144/458 333/769/3459 269/405/1412 7337 Mr X

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