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Turbo Squid Releases ACT for 3ds max
Posted by: amigo
Source: Press Release
 Date: Mon Mar 17 2003
New Orleans - March 17, 2003 - Turbo Squid, the world's fastest growing online digital marketplace, today announced the release of Absolute Character Tools: Modeling Tool Set (ACT-MTS) from Snoswell Design.

ACT-MTS permits you to model characters faster and create much richer detailed characters while producing high quality character meshes. You can also create proxy and sub skin characters and muscle sets for your characters, all with embedded UV mapping as well.

"It's about time that a developer provided such a powerful suite of modeling plug-ins at such an affordable price," notes Matt Hales, Creative Director for Turbo Squid. "Being able to use the cgMuscle primitives to deform the surface of their characters' skin has produced stunning results for hardcore modelers. I'm just blown away by the imagery I've seen from our customers".

Mark Snoswell, President of Snoswell Design adds, "ACT-MTS is a very low cost, yet very sophisticated plug-in that artists have been clamoring for. For serious modelers, it's been a tremendously useful addition to their arsenal of weapons in building convincing characters". ACT-MTS sells for $345 US.

ACT-MTS can be used for all stages of character modeling adding the ability to sculpt your models in real time with muscles. You can start with an existing model and easily add detailed musculature and subtle skin inflections that are extremely difficult to do by other methods.

With the cgXScetionEditor you can work in 2D cross section view. This is an extremely fast and accurate method if you are starting by reproducing an existing mesh you have -- perhaps from a 3D scan where the meshing is poor although the overall shape is good.

At present, ACT-MTS is exposed inside 3ds max as a suite of plug-ins:

� ACT-MTS Primitives, including cgMuscles and cgTubes
� Utilities for editing new ACT-MTS Primitives through cgXSectionEditor
� Skin Deformation modifiers cgMeshDeformer Static, which implements an entire skin deformation pipeline including sub skin deformers and UV deformers

Unlike its big brother - Absolute Character Tools 1.6 Pro, you can't animate the musculature rigs with ACT-MTS. Animation capabilities are not available nor are the specific modifiers for animation that come with ACT 1.6 Pro (cgLink and cgVLink).

All ACT products are 100% compatible and you can upgrade to ACT-Pro or exchange files with ACT-Pro users seamlessly. To purchase ACT 1.6 Pro or ACT-MTS, go to

About Turbo Squid

Founded in January 2000, Turbo Squid is dedicated to the management and distribution of digital assets and other relevant content for 3D and 2D designers, as well as other creative professionals. Turbo Squid provides a global market for digital assets by enabling individual and corporate users to list, promote and sell their content to users around the world. Turbo Squid is a privately held company with financial backing from Advantage Capital Partners, The Eastman Kodak Company and Intel Capital. More information can be found at the company's web site

About Snoswell Design

Snoswell Design is an Australian company pioneering new character animation technologies and tools. They developed the 3D technology behind the Torson Virtual Athlete and are the first company to bring muscle and skin deformation software to the professional animation market. The founder and head of the company, Mark Snoswell, is also a long time luminary of the professional graphics and animation markets. He has been Contributing Editor for Design Graphics since its inception almost 10 years ago.

Related Links:
Turbo Squid website

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