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Turbo Squid Releases Dreamscape 2.0
Posted by: amigo
Source: Press Release
 Date: Tue Apr 08 2003
NEW ORLEANS--April 8, 2003--Turbo Squid, the world's fastest growing online digital marketplace, today announced DreamScape 2.0 by Sitni Sati d.o.o. as the latest offering in the Discreet(R) Certified 3ds max(TM) Plug-in program.

DreamScape 2.0 is a tightly integrated suite of modeling and animation tools for building complete environments including mountainous landscapes, realistic skies, and bodies of water.

"DreamScape 2.0 really raises the bar for environmental effects inside of 3ds max," said Beau Perschall, VP of Publishing at Turbo Squid, Inc. "Everyone who's seen the new version can't believe that the skies, landscapes and water it produces are computer generated. I am excited by what the product can do, and think that effects artists will be equally mesmerized by the power and control it gives them."

New features in Dreamscape 2.0 include:


New additions to the DreamScape Terra editor include zooming and panning, resizing, navigator window, selection tools, feather, terrain cropping, instant mesh preview inside viewport, MAX script support for creating and modifying Terra, support for pressure-sensitive digitizing tablets, user defined undo/redo levels, and more.

Terrain Map

Now includes a falloff parameter for smooth transitions between different regions defined by altitude and/or slope.

Sky and Clouds

With new algorithms, 3D clouds, and full sky/cloud anti-aliasing, your skies will look more realistic than ever before while giving you flicker-free animations. Up to 50% rendering time reduction (Sky and SeaSurface in the same scene) is now possible.

Naval Dynamics

DreamScape Daemons makes it possible to write helper objects that can communicate with SeaSurface and perform various calculations using internal data. Dynamics Daemon performs numerous calculations to simulate object-water interactions. It can create realistic wakes that will reflect and refract foam from wakes or objects, and calculate buoyant and gravitational forces acting on an object. Using DreamScape Engine Space Warp it is possible to create self-propelled objects that will move smoothly across a SeaSurface.

Sea Material

Foam Map and Bump Map now have separate map slots so you can use any other map in combination. Bump Map also includes a filtering option, which will remove any flickering that might occur due to the aliasing. New blurred reflection will allow creating even more realistic appearance of reflected objects.

DreamScape 2.0 is a Certified Solution- Designed for seamless integration with 3ds max from Discreet and other Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins.

Pricing and availability

DreamScape 2.0 has a suggested retail price (SRP) in North America of US $595, with an introductory special of $495 for a limited time. DreamScape 2.0 is available from Turbo Squid at, from Discreet at or from authorized Resellers around the world. For a Reseller near you, contact [email protected].

Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program

Working together, Discreet and Turbo Squid are carefully selecting third party solutions that bring compelling value to 3ds max artists. These plug-ins are subjected to stringent testing procedures defined by Discreet to ensure each plug-in works well with 3ds max software and other Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins.

"DreamScape 2.0 will be welcomed by those artists creating complex, natural, outdoor landscapes and vistas," says Chris Ford, product line manager of animation products at Discreet. "The ability to quickly construct such a scene and bring it to life with realistic clouds and water effects is yet another example of the added value of using 3ds max and partner solutions in a compelling fashion."

Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins are backed up by an online support system implemented by Turbo Squid including developer-moderated forums, FAQs, tutorials, demos, and the latest product information for Discreet 3ds max artists.

For more information on Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins visit:

About Turbo Squid

Founded in January 2000, Turbo Squid is dedicated to the management and distribution of digital assets and other relevant content for 3D and 2D designers and creative professionals. Turbo Squid provides a global market for digital assets by enabling individual and corporate users to list, promote and sell their content to users around the world. Turbo Squid is a privately held company with financial backing from Advantage Capital Partners, The Eastman Kodak Company and Intel Capital. More information can be found at the company's web site

About Discreet

Discreet empowers moving media professionals to realize the visual experience, transforming their most evocative and ambitious visions into reality. Its range of award-winning systems and software is developed for digital media creation, management and delivery--across all disciplines from visual effects and editing to animation, game development, web/interactive design, and design visualization. Discreet is based in Montreal, Quebec and is a division of Autodesk, Inc., the world's leading design and digital media creation, management, and distribution company. Product and corporate information is located on the Internet at

About Sitni Sati

Sitni Sati d.o.o. was founded in 1999 and quickly became recognized in the field of FX software development. Innovative ideas and extensive research of the natural phenomena made AfterBurn, their flagship product, one of the best selling FX plug-ins for 3ds max. Their dedication to constantly improve the software and usage of the latest technology available helped to narrow the barrier between reality and CG imagery. Sitni Sati software was used in films like Armageddon, K-19: The Widowmaker, Interstate 60, Dracula 2000, Coronado, numerous IMAX movies, games such as Diablo 2, Warcraft 3, Sin, Legacy of Kain, Starcraft, MechWarrior 3 and more.

Discreet is a division of Autodesk, Inc. Autodesk, Discreet and 3ds max are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk Inc./Autodesk Canada Inc., in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. (C)Copyright 2003 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

Related Links:
Turbo Squid website

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