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Turbo Squid releases Absolute Character Tools 1.6 Pro
Posted by: amigo
Source: Press Release
 Date: Fri Jul 18 2003
New Orleans, LA - July 18, 2003 - Turbo Squid, the world's fastest growing online digital marketplace, today announced the certification and release of Absolute Character Tools 1.6 Pro, or ACT, from cgCharacter, as a Discreet� Certified 3ds max� Plug-in.

"ACT was created because I wanted to do better character animation- the best character animation ever in fact," notes Mark Snoswell, President of cgCharacter. "ACT 1.6 Pro has achieved that status."

ACT is an exceptionally fast and stable production platform that offers a wide range of significant character modeling and animation features exclusive to ACT. In addition to cgMuscle objects, ACT also now includes tools and objects (cgTubes) to create high quality skinned proxy characters that deform and animate in real time.
With V1.6, ACT now includes cgAdam and cgEve, two complete human skeletal, muscle and skin character sets -- all rigged and ready to animate. For ACT users, cgHuman is the most advanced example of realistic musculo-skeletal system designed to easily animate and behave well for character animation and sub-skin deformation.

"ACT 1.6 Pro is a truly professional strength product," notes Beau Perschall, Vice President of Publishing for Turbo Squid. "It brings very high-end power to the masses, and gives artists more creative freedom in their character animation."

"3ds max customers will welcome ACT 1.6 Pro as the latest addition to the Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program" says Chris Ford, product line manager of animation products at Discreet. "ACT 1.6 Pro provides 3ds max customers with the advanced functionality needed to produce realistic character skin deformation."

"The Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program represents a new era in third party technology," said Snoswell. "We are happy to have this certification and work with Turbo Squid to bring ACT to market."

Pricing and availability

ACT 1.6 Pro sells for $495. ACT is available from, or from any of Turbo Squid's Resellers around the world. ACT is available from Turbo Squid at, from Discreet or from authorized Resellers around the world. For a Reseller near you, contact [email protected].

Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program
Working together, Discreet and Turbo Squid are carefully selecting third party solutions that bring compelling value to 3ds max artists. These plug-ins are subjected to stringent testing procedures defined by Discreet to ensure each plug-in works well with 3ds max software and other Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins.

Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins are backed up by an online support system implemented by Turbo Squid including developer-moderated forums, FAQs, tutorials, demos, and the latest product information for Discreet 3ds max artists.

For more information on Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins visit:

About Turbo Squid

Founded in January 2000, Turbo Squid is dedicated to the management and distribution of digital assets and other relevant content for 3D and 2D designers and creative professionals. Turbo Squid provides a global market for digital assets by enabling individual and corporate users to list, promote and sell their content to users around the world. Turbo Squid is a privately held company with financial backing from Advantage Capital Partners, The Eastman Kodak Company and Intel Capital. More information can be found at the company's web site .

About Discreet

Discreet empowers moving media professionals to realize the visual experience, transforming their most evocative and ambitious visions into reality. Its range of award-winning systems and software is developed for digital media creation, management and delivery-across all disciplines from visual effects and editing to animation, game development, web/interactive design, and design visualization. Discreet is based in Montreal, Quebec and is a division of Autodesk, Inc., the world's leading design and digital media creation, management, and Distribution Company. Product and corporate information is located on the Internet at

About cgCharacter

cgCharacter is an Australian company pioneering new character animation technologies and tools. The company developed the 3D technology behind the The Ultimate Human and are the first company to bring muscle and skin deformation software to the professional animation market. The founder and head of the company, Dr Mark Snoswell, is also a long time luminary of the professional graphics and animation markets. He has been Contributing Editor for Design Graphics since its inception over 10 years ago. He is also a co-founder, Director and Editor of Ballistic Publishing who recently released the phenomenally successfully book EXPOS� Additional product information can be found at the web site

Related Links:
cgCharacter website
Turbo Squid website
Download an evaluation version of ACT

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