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ResPower Render Farm To Support finalRender Stage-1
Posted by: amigo
Source: cebas/fR
 Date: Thu Nov 06 2003
Huntsville, AL -- Nov. 06, 2003 -- ResPower Inc. announced its support for finalRender Stage-1, a Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in. Worldwide users can log onto the ResPower website at any time of the day or night and get the power of 250 2GHz computers (that�s over 500 GHz of total speed), integrated with the latest full featured finalRender Stage-1.

A render farm is a collection of computers that work together to turn a 3D wireframe scene into a full-colored image sequence. 3D animations are computer intensive, often requiring hundreds of hours of processing. Before ResPower, it was necessary to build an in-house render farm in order to finish animations in a timely manner, which required purchasing not only computers but the infrastructure required to support them, including networking, servers, room chillers, and more. ResPower wraps the power of a massive render farm into a web-enabled application available not only to large and small 3d animation firms, but to architects, graphics firms and mechanical illustrators! Users simply log on to the site and render, almost as if the ResPower render farm were located in their own facilities.

finalRender Stage-1, made by Cebas and distributed by Turbo Squid, is a revolutionary new rendering technology for 3ds max 4, 3ds max 5 and the latest 3ds max 6. Many new advanced features and enhancements have been implemented into finalRender Stage-1 that makes it the #1 rendering system for 3ds max. Designed from the ground up based on the most requested benefits and features, finalRender Stage-1 includes: True Caustic Light Rendering with extended Energy Control; Fast Area Shadows; Realtime Volume Light Rendering; True Geometry Based Direct and Indirect Light Sources; Energy Based "Light Particle" Rendering System; First Renderer with fully Licensed "Zauner Shader" Technology; Energy Based "Light Particle" Rendering System; AI based "On Demand" Loading/Unloading of Geometry Intelligent and Automatic Raytracing Acceleration through AI-3D Space Segmentation; and True 3D UltraBlur� Algorithm for fast Blurry Renderings.

About TurboSquid

Founded in January 2000, Turbo Squid is dedicated to the management and distribution of digital assets and other relevant content for 3D and 2D designers and creative professionals. Turbo Squid provides a global market for digital assets by enabling individual and corporate users to list, promote and sell their content to users around the world. In 2003 Turbo Squid was named as the exclusive publisher and worldwide distributor for the Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program. Turbo Squid is a privately held company with financial backing from Advantage Capital Partners, The Eastman Kodak Company and Intel Capital. More information can be found at the company's web site

About Discreet

Discreet empowers moving media professionals to realize the visual experience, transforming their most evocative and ambitious visions into reality. Its range of award-winning systems and software is developed for digital media creation, management and delivery�across all disciplines from visual effects and editing to animation, game development, web/interactive design, and design visualization. Discreet is based in Montreal, Quebec and is a division of Autodesk, Inc., the world's leading design and digital media creation, management, and Distribution Company. Product and corporate information is located on the Internet at

About cebas Computer GmbH

cebas Computer GmbH is a German developer of advanced 3D software for 3ds max and other 3D applications, based near Heidelberg. With 14 years of experience in software development for the 3D market, cebas has become renowned for its quality and unique software products.

About ResPower

ResPower, founded in December 2000 with a little over 30 computers, has experienced explosive growth to over 250 computers today. Owners Early Ehlinger and Ladd Ehlinger Jr. introduced beta testing of self-service internet rendering in November of 2002 for Lightwave, and have since added Maya and 3ds max rendering. ResPower provides self-service rendering to clients worldwide, for projects ranging in scope from small to large volume rendering for television series and feature films, with clients such as Nickelodeon and NewTek.

Related Links:
ResPower website

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