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Turbo Squid announces SP 2B as FREE upgrade for fR Stage-1
Posted by: amigo
Source: Press Release
 Date: Thu May 06 2004
New Orleans, LA � May 6, 2004 - Turbo Squid, home of the world�s largest collection of royalty-free 3D assets and worldwide publisher for the Discreet Certified 3ds max� Plug-in Program, today announced the release of Service Pack 2B (SP2B) for finalRender Stage-1, a Discreet� Certified 3ds max Plug-in.

SP2B is a FREE download and provides the following to finalRender Stage-1 users:

- Stability enhancements and fixes
- ParticleFlow Motion Blur support
- DR enhancements to support large Bitmap rendering
- Added 3ds max Support for �Render-To-Texture�

�Render-To-Texture� was first introduced to 3ds max 5 and now is available in an even more enhanced version in 3ds max 6. This advanced feature of 3ds max was available with the scanline renderer only. But now, finalRender Stage-1 SP2B has full support for this option within 3ds max.

Rendering to texture, or "texture baking,� allows users to create texture maps based on an object's appearance in the rendered scene. The textures are then �baked� into the object: that is, they become part of the object via mapping, and can be used to display the textured object rapidly on Direct3D devices such as graphics display cards or game engines.

Using Render-To-Texture with finalRender Stage-1 opens many new possibilities to enhance or speed up Global Illumination renderings. By baking a light solution to a texture, the rendering of an animation involving GI and animated objects can be rendered much faster than the usual way.

�cebas has done it again,� noted Beau Perschall, Vice President of Publishing for Turbo Squid. �They�ve listened again to the feedback from the community and released another killer update to Stage-1 with significant enhancements including Render-To-Texture support and Particle Flow Motion Blur support. As always, it is provided at no cost for finalRender Stage-1 users and gives them even more new efficiencies for their Stage-1 workflow.�

All registered users of finalRender Stage-1 will receive an email instructing them how to obtain the service pack. Other users may contact [email protected] for information.

Pricing and availability

finalRender Stage-1 has a suggested retail price (SRP) US $795. Stage-1 is available from Turbo Squid at, from Discreet at or from authorized Resellers around the world. For a Reseller near you, contact [email protected].

Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program

Working together, Discreet and Turbo Squid are carefully selecting third party solutions that bring compelling value to 3ds max artists. These plug-ins are subjected to stringent testing procedures defined by Discreet to ensure each plug-in works well with 3ds max software and other Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins.

Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins are backed up by an online support system implemented by Turbo Squid including developer-moderated forums, FAQs, tutorials, demos, and the latest product information for Discreet 3ds max artists.

For more information on Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins visit:

About Turbo Squid

Founded in January 2000, Turbo Squid is dedicated to the management and distribution of digital assets and other relevant content for 3D and 2D designers and creative professionals. Turbo Squid provides a global market for digital assets by enabling individual and corporate users to list, promote and sell their content to users around the world. In 2003 Turbo Squid was named as the exclusive publisher and worldwide distributor for the Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program. Turbo Squid is a privately held company with financial backing from Advantage Capital Partners, The Eastman Kodak Company and Intel Capital. More information can be found at the company's web site

About Discreet

Discreet empowers moving media professionals to realize the visual experience, transforming their most evocative and ambitious visions into reality. Its range of award-winning systems and software is developed for digital media creation, management and delivery�across all disciplines from visual effects and editing to animation, game development, web/interactive design, and design visualization. Discreet is based in Montreal, Quebec and is a division of Autodesk, Inc., the world's leading design and digital media creation, management, and Distribution Company. Product and corporate information is located on the Internet at

About cebas Computer GmbH

cebas Computer GmbH is a German developer of advanced 3D software for 3ds max and other 3D applications, based near Heidelberg. With 14 years of experience in software development for the 3D market, cebas has become renowned for its quality and unique software products serving graphics and animation studios around the world. More info is available at

Related Links:
Turbo Squid website

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