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Turbo Squid Releases First TURBO TOYBOXES
Posted by: amigo
Source: Press Release
 Date: Tue Jun 08 2004
New Orleans, LA � June 8, 2004 - Turbo Squid, home of the world's largest collection of 3D products and worldwide publisher for the Discreet Certified 3ds max� Plug-in Program, has released the first two TURBO TOYBOX 3D content packs. Each TURBO TOYBOX contains thirty or more 3D models for gamers to use in customizing their favorite games created with Discreet's gmax�. The first two products, Starter TOYBOX and Vehicles TOYBOX, are now available and sell for $9.95 each.

Turbo Squid recently entered into an agreement with Discreet to propel development and distribution of gmax, a free games customization and modification toolset based on the world's best selling 3D animation platform, Discreet's 3ds max software.

Using gmax, game developers can extend the life of a new game by creating and distributing "game packs" that allow game players to create, customize, and trade game content online. Developers and publishers such as Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Blizzard Entertainment, Westwood Studios and other leading studios have created gmax-enabled games, providing the ability for game consumers to "mod" a game by producing everything from in-game characters to vehicles and weapons.

The TURBO TOYBOXES now give these games consumers the ability to modify games without the need to create models, as they are pre-built in the gmax format.

"Imagine being able to totally customize your game experience," said Brian Gaffney, President of Turbo Squid Studios. "You can replace a game character or a vehicle with one of your own choosing. These TURBO TOYBOXES include a vast array of content created by our more than 7,000 artist partners around the world and are customized to work with gmax-enabled games. With a price of just $9.95 per TOYBOX, we've made it easy for the game user to truly customize their game experience."

Each TURBO TOYBOX sells for $9.95 US and are available as either an electronic download or as a physical CD (additional shipping/handling charges apply) from Subscription programs are being developed to incorporate new models, scripts, and gaming tools as they become available.

TURBO TOYBOXES available now include:

-Starter Pack (contains unique models from each category)

TURBO TOYBOXES being released this month include:

-Characters and Animals

A list of gmax compatible games can be found by visiting

About Turbo Squid

Founded in January 2000, Turbo Squid provides a global market for digital products by enabling individual and corporate users to list, promote and sell their content to users around the world. In 2003 Turbo Squid was named as the exclusive publisher and worldwide distributor for the Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program. Turbo Squid is a privately held company with financial backing from Advantage Capital Partners, The Eastman Kodak Company and Intel Capital. More information can be found at the company's web site

About Discreet

Discreet empowers moving media professionals to realize the visual experience, transforming their most evocative and ambitious visions into reality. Its range of award-winning systems and software is developed for digital media creation, management and delivery-across all disciplines from visual effects and editing to animation, game development, web/interactive design, and design visualization. Discreet is based in Montreal, Quebec and is a division of Autodesk, Inc., the world's leading design and digital media creation, management, and Distribution Company. Product and corporate information is located on the Internet at

Related Links:
TurboSquid website

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