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Turbo Squid To Distribute Allegorithmic Products
Posted by: amigo
Source: DMN
 Date: Thu Jul 15 2004
Clermont-Ferrand, France and New Orleans, LA. � July 15th 2004 -Allegorithmic, a young award-winning company specializing in complex media modeling technology today announced a worldwide non-exclusive distribution and publishing agreement with Turbo Squid, home of the world�s largest collection of royalty-free 3D assets.

Starting immediately, interested parties will be able to purchase and download Allegorithmic�s entire range of groundbreaking products directly from the Turbo Squid website (, including:

* MaP|Time, the industry�s first fully-editable heterogeneous video filer designer for Adobe After Effects and Discreet combustion

* MaP|Zone, the ultimate complex pattern modeler for Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Paint Shop Pro

* MaP|Kits, a collection of 50 high definition hyper realistic tileable textures

MaP|Time, MaP|Zone and Map|Kits are all based on Allegorithmic�s unique FX Maps technology, a patent-pending set of algorithms that allow simple and direct hand modification of procedural maps.

MaP|TIME is the industry�s first fully-editable heterogeneous video filer designer that allows artists to easily create and manipulate highly complex animated patterns, effects and transitions. The product is based on a suite of pre-set effects, which can be modified and combined in unique ways using the MaP|Time controls. It provides artists with the ability to keep precise control over very complex animated effects. MaP|Time is available immediately and can be purchased directly from Allegorithmic and Turbo Squid�s websites for just $990.

MaP|Zone 1.5 is the ultimate complex pattern modeler. It enables graphic artists to quickly and easily create and edit highly complex texture maps, patterns and filters from within Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Paint Shop Pro. Based on a suite of pre-set maps, which can be modified at leisure with the help of specific tools, MaP|Zone helps users create extremely realistic textures, shaders and astonishing visual effects.

MaP|Zone version 1.5 is available immediately for just $99.00. It is also available as a free upgrade to existing MaP|Zonev.1.0 or v1.1 users and can be downloaded from Allegorithmic�s and Turbo Squid�s websites.

Map|Kits is a unique collection of 50 high definition and hyper-realistic tileable textures based on Allegorithmic core technology. Map|Kits kit offers graphic artists an anthology of "old and dusty" textures such as grounds, walls, lichen, tree bark, rust etc. Each texture offers a large range of possibilities for rendering realistic and convincing scenes for film, games and video clip projects. MaP|Kits is available immediately and can be purchased directly from Allegorithmic and Turbo Squid�s websites for just $500.00.

About Allegorithmic

Allegorithmic is a young French company that specializes in the development of complex procedural maps modeling software for graphic artists. Based in Clermont-Ferrand, France, the company was founded in 2003 by Dr S�bastien Deguy, a prize winning computer scientist and producer and director of animated movies.

About Turbo Squid

Founded in January 2000, Turbo Squid is dedicated to the management and distribution of digital products and other relevant content for 3D and 2D designers and creative professionals. Turbo Squid provides a global market for digital products by enabling individual and corporate users to list, promote and sell their content to users around the world. In 2003 Turbo Squid was named as the exclusive publisher and worldwide distributor for the Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program. Turbo Squid is a privately held company with financial backing from Advantage Capital Partners, The Eastman Kodak Company and Intel Capital.

Related Links:
Allegorithmic website
Turbo Squid website

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