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Digital-Tutors Training DVDs Now Available at Turbo Squid
Posted by: amigo
Source: Press Release
 Date: Thu Nov 04 2004
New Orleans, LA � November 4, 2004 - Turbo Squid, home of the world�s largest collection of royalty-free 3D assets and worldwide publisher for the Discreet� Certified 3ds max� Plug-in Program, today announced the availability of training DVDs from Digital-Tutors.

�We are happy to have Turbo Squid as a distribution partner for our training products,� said Sandip Patel, Development & Marketing Director of Digital-Tutors / PL Studios, Inc. �Our products are designed to assist Maya users of all levels of expertise worldwide and Turbo Squid, with over three hundred thousand members, has a reputation for bringing quality products to 3D artists around the globe.�

The first eleven products are now available and range from basic training for the new user to advanced training for skilled professionals. Products include:

Maya Basics

Maya Basics guides users through the entire process of Modeling, Rigging, Animating, Texturing, and Rendering through interactive projects. With this training kit users gain the foundation to create sophisticated work and reach unimaginable heights.

MEL Basics

MEL Basics gives prospective programmers the building blocks necessary to be productive with Maya's sophisticated scripting language. This training kit covers many of the major structures and syntax needed to create useful scripts that will enhance workflow and automate time-consuming tasks.

Fundamentals of Character Binding

Fundamentals of Character Binding is an innovative training kit that builds and refines users� modeling and animation skills. This unique step-by-step training kit dissects animation and allows users to discover the simplicity of character binding.

Fundamentals of Character Rigging

This is a detailed, ground-breaking training kit for the Animation world. Through a revolutionary approach, users will easily learn Rigging and Animation techniques that will release their creative potential.

Fundamentals of Maya Dynamics: Particles and Fields

This fundamentals training kit focuses on the complex attributes of Particles and Fields. Digital-Tutors breaks apart Maya Dynamics and show users how to use these effects with professional realism.

Fundamentals of mental ray

This is the industry�s only comprehensive training kit for photorealistic rendering with mental ray. With an unrivaled training approach, Digital-Tutors shows users how to maximize mental ray�s power and create images with startling visual details and photorealism.

Maya Unlimited: Cloth

Maya Unlimited: Cloth is a complete training kit for cloth effects. Learn the ground-breaking cloth techniques of professionals and begin creating work with extraordinary artistic detail and visual appeal. This is the industry�s only comprehensive cloth training resource.

Maya Unlimited: Fluids

With this course, users will learn breakthrough techniques and create fluid simulations with stunning visual effects and unsurpassed realism. This is the industry�s first and only training resource for Maya Fluids.

Maya Unlimited: Fur

Master Maya Unlimited�s Fur and equip your creative arsenal with the essential techniques and concepts needed to achieve work of professional magnitude with award-winning Maya Unlimited: Fur.

Maya Unlimited: Hair

Maya Unlimited: Hair is a step-by-step training kit for the intricate Maya 6 Hair system. Users will learn countless techniques and secrets with this unparalleled training approach and begin creating work with flawless detail and realism. The industry�s only training resource for Maya Hair.

Maya Intermediate: Sports Car Creation

Use this comprehensive training kit to create cars with unsurpassed photorealism and artistic detail. Learn how to use Maya to its fullest capacity in over 9 hours of revolutionary training.

�The Digital-Tutors products represent some of the most comprehensive training available for Maya users,� noted Dan Lion, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Turbo Squid. �These products were developed by industry artists and educators, and are practical and focused.�

Pricing and Availability

The products are priced as low as $34.19 and are available from Turbo Squid�s online store at and

About Turbo Squid

Founded in January 2000, Turbo Squid is dedicated to the management and distribution of digital assets and other relevant content for 3D and 2D designers and creative professionals. Turbo Squid provides a global market for digital assets by enabling individual and corporate users to list, promote and sell their content to users around the world. In 2003 Turbo Squid was named as the exclusive publisher and worldwide distributor for the Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program. Turbo Squid is a privately held company with financial backing from Advantage Capital Partners, The Eastman Kodak Company and Intel Capital. More information can be found at the company's web site

About Digital-Tutors

As the world's largest and most trusted source for digital content creation training, Digital-Tutors develops award-winning and unrivaled training solutions for artists of all expertise levels. Each month more than 30,000 artists visit Digital-Tutors to find the industry's most comprehensive training resources. Founded in 2002, Digital-Tutors is comprised of the world's leaders in training design. With over 28 years of combined experience in the classroom and studio, Digital-Tutors offers users innovative concepts, unrivaled customer support, practical advice, and sound solutions for all levels of expertise. The mission of Digital-Tutors - To create a library of innovative learning tools that is conceived by educators, driven by industry artists, and used by you, remains the same today. To learn more about Digital-Tutors and the resources available, visit

Digital-Tutors is a division of PL Studios, Inc., one of the world's most respected leading innovators of training materials as well as a provider of related services, for both the consumer and professional markets.

Related Links:
Digital Tutors website

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