 Discreet Releases SP1 for 3ds max 7 Posted by: amigo Source: local Date: Tue Mar 15 2005 March 15, 2005 - Discreet has made available the Service Pack 1 for 3ds max 7 addressing issues found with the R7. But don't take my word for it, here it is from the "horses mouth":
Issues addressed by this Service Pack:
� AVI and MOV files now network render correctly.
� Postures problems have been resolved when loading a copy of a Biped onto a Biped without a ponytail.
� Multiple selections on objects with three degrees of freedom were not rotating in the correct space and has been resolved.
� When using Auto Key and pasting poses the correct pose would not always paste correctly and has been resolved.
� Improved stability on assigning material to Edit Poly modified object with no mapping coordinates.
� A bug with sub-object transformation animation in the Editable Mesh object type, where animation done on frame 0 would not be properly created, has been fixed.
� Fixed memory leak when saving .DDS files.
� File Link will now first search its data set for stand-ins, and if any are found, a Reload is prevented.
� Using Shift+Move to create a copy of a Shape no longer distorts the Loft Object when �Transform Degrade� is disabled.
� Loft object now behaves properly to the Scale transformation while scaling a Shape within a Loft object when �Transform Degrade� is disabled.
� The "Copy Shape" (Copy/Instance) dialog window now appears when using Shift+Move to create a copy or an instance of a Shape when Transform Degrade is disabled.
� Corrected instability caused by clearing the material type in a multi-material container.
� Automatic conversion of bitmap files to UNC filenames can be disabled. You must edit the ini file and add the following switch "[FileHandling] ConvertToUNC=0" to disable the conversion.
� Final Gather now ignores incorrect UV coordinates, producing a more accurate result.
� Fix that will allow mental ray SSS Shaders to render with Backburner or Command line.
� Stability improvements to mental ray and rapid motion blur.
� Fixed an issue that prevented mental ray from rendering in silent mode.
� Fix to mental ray rapid motion blur and the Dielectric material
� When Distributed Maps is enabled the slave machines look "locally" for the required textures.
� AVI and MOV files now network render correctly.
� The 3ds max7 Service Pack should be installed on all network rendering servers running 3ds max 7.
� Several improvements have been made to the calculation of tangent style normal maps that should reduce blooming and artifacting, particularly on mapping seams.
� The position of *****ered parameters in a Parameter Collector rollout is now preserved after a parameter is deleted from the collector rollout.
� OpenGL Dual Planes setting is now preserved after opening 3ds max in Direct3D mode, then returning to OpenGL mode.
� Slaves no longer become disconnected from the master tracks on a file load/merge/xref.
� Reaction Masters are now correctly named in the Reaction Manager on opening a saved scene
� Corrected some instability problems caused when invalidating radiosity after assigning new materials to objects.
� Meshing now respects Material IDs boundaries.
� In some cases the radiosity solution will not be invalidated as expected.
� Several MAXScript and SDK issues were resolved improving features stability.
� When using Pick Bone Mode in Skin Morph you would get an application error using 3ds max Create mode if Pick Mode was enabled, this has been fixed.
� Instancing the Skin Wrap was causing an application error when using Ctrl+A to select all sub-objects.
� The Modify panel is now restored when exiting an array preview.
� The Selection floater will now resize properly.
� Polygonal sub-object selections now are shaded in red in the Turbosmooth modifier, showing the subdivided polys affected by your current selection below Turbosmooth in the stack.
� Correctedinstability where making a choice of None while using the Pick Texture dropdown of the Edit UVWs dialog in the Unwrap UVW modifier.
� Editing a texture that is also being used in a DirectX shader no longer causes program instability.
� Improved stability when switching between DirectX effects.
� DirectX Display of the Standard Material now works with Skylights.
� Fixed crash on canceling light creation when using DirectX Display of the Standard Material.
� DirectX Display of the Standard material now ignores lights that are turned off.
� Bitmap and Photometric Path Editor utility now handles .FX textures and files correctly.
� Improved display of UV mapping for DirectX shaders.
� Improved DirectX .FX file output to better match viewport representation.
� Reverted back to 3ds max 6 method of loading DirectX shaders on demand, rather than on file open.
� DirectX shaders are no longer inverted for objects that have been mirrored.
� Improved DirectX .FX file handling for relative paths.
� Fixed small memory leak for all DirectX shader types.
� Corrected instability that occurred when the user switched viewports with Walkthrough mode enabled, and the viewports were set to a camera with Manual Clip Planes enabled.
� Corrected instability that could occur when walkthrough mode is enabled in a camera viewport and the user closes max.
� Fix to Xrefs that was causing max files to nexpectedly increase in size.
How to deploy the SP1 patch to multiple machines on a network
You can use the techniques explained in the Network Deployment Guide (NetDeployGuide.rtf in the Manuals folder on your original 3ds max 7 product CD) to update a large number of workstations to 3ds max 7 SP1. The main difference is that instead of calling an .MSI file from the clients, you call the .MSP patch file.
1) Download this self-extracting zip file from the support site: Setup_3dsmax7_SP1.exe
2) Using Winzip, extract the file named 3dsmax7SP1.msp to a directory all workstations can access.
In this example, we assume that you download the file to the location � myserversp1patch�
3) Then, create a batch routine using the following syntax:
%comspec% /c msiexec /p myserversp1patch3dsmax7SP1.msp /qn
NOTE: the /qx switch specifies what level of UI will be displayed. �/qn� specifies no UI whatsoever, suppressing all prompts and therefore useful for silent installations. When attempting to debug your script, you can switch this to �/qb�, which will display basic modal dialogs.
4) Important: Ensure that all backburner and 3ds max processes and services have been stopped on each workstation before running the batch routine. If backburner or 3ds max processes are running, an error will occur which will prevent installation of the service pack. If you are running the patch with the /qn switch, you will not see the error dialog indicating that the update has failed.
In addition to patching existing client installations, you can also create an updated version of the original install image, which can in turn be deployed in one step to new machines that have not had 3ds max 7 installed. This requires creating an administrative image of the original installer, and then you can use the following syntax to update that image:
msiexec /a [path to administrative image .msi file] /p 3dsmax7SP1.msp
Related Links: 3ds max 7 SP1 direct link
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