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Turbo Squid Releases Zygote Male 3D Human Anatomy Collection
Posted by: amigo
Source: Press Release
 Date: Wed Apr 13 2005
New Orleans, LA � April 13, 2005 - Turbo Squid�, home of the Web's largest collection of royalty free 3D products available for download, announced today the availability of the Male 3D Human Anatomy 2.0 collection from Zygote Media Group�especially designed for professionals to use in medical animation and illustration. The collection is available immediately at

Zygote, in collaboration with medical experts, has spent thousands of hours developing its 3D human anatomy collection to be the most extensive, anatomically correct and superior product available. This collection is geared toward medical animation professionals and is delivered electronically in six major formats: 3D Studio MAX, Maya, C4D, HRC, LWO, OBJ, and XSI.

�We are excited to bring our world class 3D human anatomy technology to Turbo Squid,� said Bryan Brandenburg, CEO of Zygote Media Group. �This collection is of the highest quality for medical animation and Turbo Squid�s members can be assured they are getting the most extensive collection available on the planet.�

The collection has 3D models of the complete human anatomy including muscular systems, skeletal systems, lymphatic systems, nervous systems, digestive systems, circulatory systems, endocrine systems, male reproductive systems, respiratory systems, urinary systems, and integumentary.

The Zygote Male Anatomy Collection has been used in a variety of productions including Hollow Man and the Fifth Element. The Version 2.0 Collection has a suggested retail price of $13,995, with an introductory price of $9,995 for a limited time. Zygote is also available for customized science visualization and medical animation work through Turbo Squid as well.

�Turbo Squid has built a solid reputation distributing high quality 3D content for the videogame, film and architectural communities for five years,� said Dan Lion, vice president of sales and marketing for Turbo Squid. �We�ve recently moved into the biomedical animation and model market based on feedback from our customers. The Zygote Male Anatomy Model set is the ultimate offering to this market since it is anatomically correct and of the highest quality. It is available in all major 3D formats and a bargain to artists who need complex anatomy models. We�re excited to have Zygote as a partner in this endeavor.�

Anatomical Systems Included:

* Muscular: Over one hundred individual muscles, deep and superficial, with connective tissue and tendons. It includes each individual muscle of the axial and appendicular skeleton with proper origin and insertion points.

* Skeletal: With over two hundred bones, this is a very comprehensive and detailed collection. The beautiful Skeletal System was carefully digitized from casts of a real skeleton. Each bone and tooth comes with a high level of geometric resolution and detail that is efficiently maintained throughout the model - from Skull to Phalanges.

* Lymphatic: The Lymphatic system is a schematic of the lymphatic system including nodes and ducts.

* Nervous: This Nervous System model includes Zygote�s highly detailed Central and Peripheral Nervous System models digitized from physical models. The resolution and detail are stunning and sufficient for any application.

* Digestive: The model of the Digestive system begins with the beautiful Teeth and Gums, and includes all of the digestive organs. The organs are all compatible with the male (female) figures and anatomy systems.

* Circulatory: The Circulatory System model includes a highly detailed heart, arterial flow to and venous flow from fingers, toes and organs, to the base of the brain and through the cranium and face.

* Endocrine: The Endocrine System models include glands and organs, each individually grouped for selections and visualization.

* Male Reproductive: The model of the Male Reproductive System includes all internal and external structures and organs of the male reproductive system.

* Respiratory: The Respiratory System includes anatomical features from the Oronasal Cavity to the Bronchial Tree, with highly detailed models of lungs and respiratory cartilage. Each component is individually grouped and meticulously modeled with high resolution and detail.

* Urinary: The model of the Urinary System includes high quality models from Kidneys to External Urethra. This model is compatible with the Zygote Figures and with the Anatomy Collection.

* Integumentary: The Male body was generated from scans of a live model. With optimized geometric resolution for detailed renderings, and a high level of anatomical accuracy representing an ideal physique. The Integumentary system currently comes with 2 models: Male skin w/ and w/o genitalia.

The Zygote Male Human Anatomy 2.0 is currently available in a static anatomical pose with color information, but without texture maps. Textures shown in some of these images can be purchased from Zygote directly. To learn more, please visit

About Turbo Squid

Founded in 2000, Turbo Squid is dedicated to the management and distribution of digital products and other content for 3D and 2D designers and creative professionals. Turbo Squid provides a global market for 3D digital products by enabling individual and corporate users to list, promote and sell their 3D content to users around the world. In 2003 Turbo Squid was named as the exclusive publisher and worldwide distributor for the Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-in Program. Turbo Squid is a privately held company with financial backing from Advantage Capital Partners, The Eastman Kodak Company and Intel Capital. More information can be found at the company's web site

Related Links:
Turbo Squid website

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