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#1057| source: by crossbow on Thu Nov 14 2002 
Hyperthread THIS!
Yes I know its three techbits, but its also three great articles :)
#1056| source: by crossbow on Thu Nov 14 2002 
And Now the 2800+ XP Responds...
Though yet another 3.06 P4 review...This one includes a 2800+ XP, at 333 fsb, in specviewperf...Look at the 2.23 Gigahertz AMD kick the 3.06 Gigahertz P4 in specviewperf. Daaamn.
#1055| source: by crossbow on Thu Nov 14 2002 
Anand's Got Hyperthreading Too...
Another good article on the new Pentium IV 3.06. Check it out with the others to get an overall view of performance.

#1054| source: by crossbow on Thu Nov 14 2002 
Intel Smacks Down with the 3.06 P4
Looking for bragging rights? Then go no further then Intel's new 3.06 Gigahertz Pentium IV. For people who haven't been paying attention, thats 3060 megahertz...or a whole hella of a lot faster then your palm pilot.
#1053| source: by crossbow on Wed Nov 13 2002 
Price Cut Listing
Xbitlabs has a nice Price listing for Intel's processors starting later this week.

#1052| source: by crossbow on Wed Nov 13 2002 
Tyan Prepares Uber Radeon
Not satisified with the Radeon 9700 Pro's performance, tyan has begun selecting chips and boards for even higher performance, at a core speed of 400 Megahertz!

#1051| source: by crossbow on Wed Nov 13 2002 
Hyperthreading for All P4's?
Seems that more then one website have been finding that not just the latest 3.06 P4 is hyperthreaded. Looks like previous intel chipsets support it as well!
#1050| source: by crossbow on Wed Nov 13 2002 
Updated AMD Roadmap
The AMD roadmaps seems to reinforce the fact that Clawhammer and Opteron are going to come out next year :).
#1049| source: by crossbow on Wed Nov 13 2002 
Intel Price Cuts
Intel has begun cutting chip prices in anticipation of their 3.06 P4 release tommorow. AMD is expected to cut prices. Most cuts are in the 100 USD range.

#1048| source: by crossbow on Wed Nov 13 2002 
Athlons in PowerMac's
How do you speed a Mac up? Throw in an Athlon XP and then weld the case shut so nobody can tell :).

Check out the links over at techreport for more information.

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