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#371| source: Chickshardware by crossbow on Sun Jul 01 2001
Interesting idea for an AGP card style cooler. You could easily make something like this out of household parts if one was inclined.
#370| source: Ars-technica by crossbow on Sun Jul 01 2001
Real World Tech brings out the cane and lays it down. June's technology report wraps up whats been happening in the industry.
#369| source: Ars-technica by crossbow on Sun Jul 01 2001
Dell is having a survey of whether or not to include AMD systems in their lineup of machines. Please take the time to fill out the survey and increase everyone's choices when buying a machine from Dell. Fight monopolys. =)
#368| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Sun Jul 01 2001
LCD technology...The Past, the future, and what the little squiggly button does.
#367| source: Aceshardware by crossbow on Sun Jul 01 2001
Ace takes a look at FPU compilers. Will SSE2 allow the Pentium IV to take over the market? Or is it already too late...
#366| source: Tomshardware by crossbow on Sun Jul 01 2001
Tom reviews a nice grouping of Dual Pentium III motherboards. Double your pleasure with some SMP lovin.
#365| source: Aceshardware by crossbow on Thu Jun 28 2001
Ace grabs a tasty tidbit on the Radeon 2. Look for a summer release.

"The ATI Radeon 2 (R200) will boast four rendering pipelines, clocked at 250MHz, which wil run in sync with 250 MHz DDR SDRAM. The Radeon 2 will be a fully DirectX8 compliant card like the Geforce 3. "

#364| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Thu Jun 28 2001,1247,1156,00.html
Seagate creates an almost silent harddrive, eliminating one of the largest sources of noise in your computer...besides the 26 fans.
#363| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Thu Jun 28 2001
Another heatsink roundup. For keeping your bits nice and cool.
#362| source: Daniel B. by crossbow on Sun Jun 24 2001
Saw this over on the max forum. MSI's Dual AMD760MP motherboard...uses the P4 power supply connector...if thats not total pimpage I don't know what is. =)

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