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#301| source: Arstechnica by crossbow on Sun Jun 03 2001
Ars decides to do a roundup of lower end 3D Applications. Hash animation master, blender, truespace, a look at programs that the average joe can actually afford.
#300| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Sun Jun 03 2001
SDRAM prices hit an alltime low. Sell everything and buy as much ram as you can!
#299| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Sun Jun 03 2001
Article on the Future offerings of SMP platforms from Intel and AMD. Some good info if your looking to buy a system in the next 6 months.
#298| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Sun Jun 03 2001,2415,7110048,00.html
An article discussing intel's itanium. As many of you know Ttanium is not a consumer targeted processor.
#297| source: Greg Hess by crossbow on Sun Jun 03 2001 

Other motherboard manufactures step up to announce Dual AMD760MP motherboards. One of particular mention is MSI who will be releasing a dual amd board for around 200 USD.
#296| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Tue May 29 2001
7-way Geforce 3 Shootout. At last count two wounded 1 dead, fighting is still going on.
#295| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Tue May 29 2001
An overview of ATI's new trueform technology, which allows for more realistic curved surfaces. Lara Croft anyone?
#294| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue May 29 2001
Via announces a budget dual AMD system. For everyone who needs to save a few hundred dollars of a workstation running 14,000 dollar licenses.
#293| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue May 29 2001
The Abit KG7-Raid is announced. A four Dimm DDR AMD 760 system. Finally we can get away with buying the cheap 256 meg dimms instead of those 512 expensive ones.
#292| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Mon May 28 2001
New ATI Radeon drivers for win2k and win98. Don't know what fixes and improvements are this driver set.

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