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#581| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Sun Nov 11 2001
Leadtek. Creator of Video Cards. Destroyer of Worlds. (Ok well not worlds, but maybe small cities.)

Leadtek releases their new Geforce 3 Ti 500. Whats so special about this guy? Matrox quality 2D. Gotta check it out.
#580| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Sun Nov 11 2001
Thinking of a Mac? Think different, Think again. Apple thinks Dual cpu is actually 1.5 Cpu's.

#579| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Sun Nov 11 2001
Video gettings a little hot? Toasty Nvidia card? Try thermal take's new "Crystal" Orb. (Not made with actual crystals.)

#578| source: by crossbow on Sun Nov 11 2001
Hate the Pentium IV? Dislike AMD? (I sure hope not). Where are you to turn? Wait whats that? Its a 1.6 Gigahertz Celeron. Looks like the P4 got caught with its pants down its own company.

#577| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Fri Nov 09 2001
Massive heatsink roundup. Whats a heatsink? If you see smoke coming out of your computer it probably means you don't have one. So head over to Kyle's [H]ard|OCP and check out what this swanking character thinks about a few hundred designs of metal blocks.
#576| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Fri Nov 02 2001
Silent and Deadly...AMD secretly releases a new stepping upgrade to the XP processor. The Athlon 1900+ XP. Look for the 2000+ to come out soon. =)
#575| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Thu Nov 01 2001
Windows XP. Bigger, Prettier, and Slower then windows 2000. Some SMP tests running Office in the new OS points out its downfalls...performance.
#574| source: Tomshardware by crossbow on Wed Oct 31 2001
The Athlon smackdown. In the race that is microprocessors, there can be only a few hundred winners.

#573| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Tue Oct 30 2001
More heatsinks then cpu's. Seriously this is a must check out. This guy must be rich.

#572| source: Anandtech by crossbow on Tue Oct 30 2001
Silent PC? I wish. Soon though...Soon. If you can't wait, check out this awesome list of tips and ideas for building your own silent monster. Remember, high quality all the way.

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