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#179| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Sun Apr 29 2001
A review of the Iwill Dual DDR (Intel) motherboard. Uses the KT266 chipset. Looks pretty spiffy with the four DDR dimms.
#178| source: Arstechnica by crossbow on Fri Apr 27 2001
The Japanese pack 1,000 gigs of information into a 1cm cube. You'd only need a few of them to store napsters mp3 collection.
#177| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Fri Apr 27 2001,4586,5081873,00.html
Zdnet article on the future of amd processors. The .13u process, and their plans to counter intel's movements.
#176| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Fri Apr 27 2001
Ignoring Windows XP to avoid entering your life into microsoft's database? Looks like Microsoft may have figured out a way to integrate XP encryption into windows 2000.
#175| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Fri Apr 27 2001 

It seems that AMD might have a hidden alliance with Intel. Both chip makes seem to be trying to create an artifical gap between consumer level systems and professional workstations.

The Pentium IV chipset is not SMP capable, but the new foster Xeon chipset will be. The pricing of this system is going to be VERY high.

The AMD760MP boards are being priced extremely high as well. We won't see ANY sub $400 dollar motherboards, and I won't be surprised if most motherboards stay above $600 USD. Not to mention a special version of the palimino processor which will feature an additional amount of l2 cache, and be priced much higher then the consumer level chips.
#174| source: Rumor Mill by crossbow on Fri Apr 27 2001 

Saw a rumor floating around at [H]ardOcp. Seems a new 1.2 ghz intel coppermine may be coming out...but it requires a new motherboard chipset. More info as it becomes available.
#173| source: Voodooextreme by crossbow on Thu Apr 26 2001
AMD and Nvidia form a strategic alliance, to ensure that via is not the only solution for AMD motherboards.
#172| source: Chickshardware by crossbow on Thu Apr 26 2001
A 650 Watt Power supply. You'll probably need one of these to run the Dual Palamino system everyone wants.
#171| source: Chickshardware by crossbow on Thu Apr 26 2001
New Oxygen VX1 Drivers for NT4.
#170| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Thu Apr 26 2001
Cheap, Fast, Stable. Obviously not your girlfriend. Its a review of the MSI KT7 Turbo, a most excellent kt133A motherboard, reviewed by Kyle the pimp.

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