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#684| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Wed Apr 17 2002
Power in the palm of your hand...litearly. Who needs a palm pilot when you can have a fully functioning pc in about the same amount of space =).

#683| source: Tech-report by crossbow on Wed Apr 17 2002
Amd releases the Thoroughbred processor. With a shrunked die, and no other true performance enhancements, this chip is first making way onto the mobile market. No word yet on the desktop release dates.
#682| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Apr 16 2002
Intel cuts prices. What else is new? Hopefully this will start another mini price cut war. Capitalism rules.
#681| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Apr 16 2002
Low on cash? Is selling grandma's cookies your main source of income? If so you might want to check out anandtech's latest video card roundup, which takes a look at sub 200 USD video cards.
#680| source: AMD by crossbow on Tue Apr 16 2002,,51_104_608,00.html
AMD has recently updated their roadmap. Take a look so you can avoid any bumps in the road.

#679| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Apr 16 2002
Client throwing piles of work on you? No way your AMD K6-2 will ever finish in time? No worry! Pop this pill and won't even have to sleep! Finish your work on time and only get a few thousand side effects!
#678| source: by crossbow on Mon Apr 15 2002
Looking for a motherboard review? Look no further...over 1000 to choose from. =)

#677| source: by crossbow on Mon Apr 15 2002
This is absolutely hilarous. Ed and the gang have collected a group of humorous computer stories for tax day. If you've got some extra time, run over and check it out, you'll thank me.
#676| source: by crossbow on Mon Apr 15 2002
Need info? Anandtech has your fix. A wide variety of subjects are covered, from keeping your cat away from your computer case, to saving the world from alien invaders.

#675| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Mon Apr 15 2002
Its a blue-light special over at simhq, as the budget radeon faces off with nvidia's new GF4 ti 4200. How do the cards fare? Read on to find out.

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