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Techbits are a brain child of Greg Hess, who initially started them on the Discreet Forum, then moved them here to a permanent home; they are gathered, (chewed up) and processed by Greg Hess and Thomas Bruno, an all around good guys, hardware experts and 3DLuVr staff/contributing authors.


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#68| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Apr 03 2001
15% off all crucial ram. This of course means PC2100 256 meg dimms is (DDR)
$97 USD
#66| source: arstechnica by crossbow on Tue Apr 03 2001
Review of Mac OS X. The growing trend in pushing software out the door.
Sigh. You gotta read 40 pages of hardware news a day, cause the poor
programmers are forced to shove stuff out the door, full of bugs, slowing
down all the hardware in the machines, so you have to read to learn about
the new faster hardware, all so you can render the same damn scene in the
same damn amount of time withouit afd HF ASF )?@$@4. (Valium Injection)
Everyone pet the pretty macs.

By the way on a side note. If anybody emailed or asked me a question in
person, and you have a company please email me the company name. I'm
collaborating a list for my resume. Technically its "hardware
consulting"...have to be careful though I hear thats also the term for
digital pimping.
#65| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Apr 03 2001,4586,2703425,00.html
IT jobs everywhere and nobody around to fill them. No wonder tech support
gets poorer and poorer each year.
#64| source: AnandTech by crossbow on Tue Apr 03 2001
Quantum stops making harddrives. Also in the news, Greg Hess stops making money.
#63| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Tue Apr 03 2001,12880,2702291,00.html
P4 vs DDR Athlon. Again. Fight fight fight. Bicker bicker bicker. Just like
G. Bush and most of the free world.
#62| source: AnandTech by crossbow on Tue Apr 03 2001
Updated AMD roadmap. Seems if you know who to call those dual boards are
actually available now. Don't email me asking where. :).
#60| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Fri Mar 30 2001
I couldn't resist. I'd say sue me, but somebody probably would so instead
I'll say, please send me copious amounts of money.
#57| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Fri Mar 30 2001
Greatest computer mod of all time. Mario and Luigi never had it so good.
#56| source: CNN by crossbow on Fri Mar 30 2001
Article on your system speed utterly sucking.
(No I am not picking on all you dual cyrix users )
Just a $1000 dollar super computer story of the future.

"dave, i'm scared" (quoted by my main man RB)

Quick Review of Rounded IDE Cables by
"They are round. I like them. They are good for airflow, and chicks dig
#55| source: Greg Hess by crossbow on Fri Mar 30 2001 

News on AMD front. Seems any KT133 user should be able to drop upgrade to
palamino's 1.5 and 1.7 ghz when they come out. Maybe then we can play black
and white at 1280x1024.

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