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#44| source: Ace's Hardware by crossbow on Mon Mar 26 2001
Article on Cbit. Important info about dual amd's and future of p4.

"As you can see in AMD's roadmap, AMD will introduce a SMP capable Palomino in second quarter for the workstation and server market. This Palomino has, of course, the same core as the desktop Palomino, which will be introduced in the third quarter. The only difference between Palomino desktop and Palomino Server seems to be that the server version has some typical "server" features (extra monitoring on die?). Both versions have 384 KB of cache (L1 + L2).

There is good and bad news for those who dream of a powerful dual CPU workstation. The bad news is that AMD does not support dual Thunderbird systems. Running two Thunderbirds on a motherboard based on the AMD-760MP might work, but AMD advises against it.
#43| source: Greg Hess by crossbow on Mon Mar 26 2001 

Anybody see the oscars last night? Julia Roberts rules.

Important information on AMD cpu's. The 133(266) Front Side Bus Processors
are now being designated with a C. Example. 1.33C AMD Thunderbird.
#42| source: CNN by crossbow on Thu Mar 22 2001
Nintendo launches the Gameboy Advanced. About 8 years too late.
#41| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Thu Mar 22 2001
How Mac users actually survie at work. (Hint: They put a pc in their desk)
#40| source: AnandTech by crossbow on Thu Mar 22 2001
ATI tries to buy firegl. Also Cyrix buys Amd and Intel in a surprise move.
(Just kidding)
#39| source: AnandTech by crossbow on Thu Mar 22 2001
Need something to....listen to possible animation scores on? How bout a 6
speaker DTS system for your machine? =)
#38| source: [H]ard|OCP by crossbow on Thu Mar 22 2001
(Somebody on the net got one to 2.2 ghz. That would make it around 700 times
faster then a I exagerating? Or did Mir just smash into my house?)

To prove that point, 1.7 Ghz P4 vs 1.33 Tbird. (Yes its 700 times).
#37| source: Tom's Hardware Guide by crossbow on Thu Mar 22 2001
Nice 1.333 ghz tbird review. As if you didn't know already, its faster then
a pimp's backhand.
#36| source: AnandTech by crossbow on Thu Mar 22 2001
True Blue: The Geforce 3 Just the facts, and not the smack.
#34| source: by crossbow on Sat Mar 17 2001
Article on Via Chipsets, and their problems truth vs myth.

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